Monday, March 23, 2015

Be a Member Missionary

Hey everyone!

sorry my emails haven't been great lately. I will tell you all a little about my area and life. My companion is Sister Paningbatan. She is from the Quezon Province which is the San Pablo mission. She is small and cute. We are in the Dagupan zone. It is so far a great place. We have learned so much. We are opening an area so some days are rough. It is a beautiful place. We usually are walking through little alleys but when we get to walk down the road there are fish ponds and more green. The sky is pretty. 

We are teaching some really funny people. 2 71 year old men, some older ladies, a teenage girl, and we got into a situation with a scary guy. He was really nice at first, but as soon as we sat down he started saying all these mean things and wanted to bible bash and he started talking about his beliefs about Satan and it was in Tagalog so I didn't know what was going on. So I just said we had to go, but he could read the pamphlet and attend church if he wanted more information and we left. So that was fun. I was glad we didn't try to teach him for very long. Later in the week he saw us again and just started talking about how I had the same name as the founder of our church. He is a frustrating person because he read the Book of Mormon about 30 years ago and he has definitely researched the church but he doesn't know the pure and simple truths. It makes me glad for the simple act of prayer. That if we want to know truth we don't have to fight with people or argue or research, we can just ask God.

We have been meeting a lot of people, but it is really hard to get them committed. We only had one investigator attend church, and it is hard to get the members involved. If you are a member of the church, be a missionary. I would extend a challenge to all of you to work with the full time missionaries ONE TIME in the next month. They need your help! If you are not a member of the church, I would extend a challenge to ask one of your friends who is to meet with you and the full time missionaries, even just one time. :) Our message is about our Savior and God's plan for happiness.  

I haven't eaten anything very exciting yet. We usually eat rice and vegetables and meat for one meal a day, noodles or eggs another meal, and maybe milo (hot chocolate...yeah it's so weird.) and crackers or bread or something. I finished off my american candy...but they have really good snack foods here. :) and they have peanut butter. so I'm set. 
I finished the Book of Mormon yesterday. It is amazing. It is a different book every time I read it. It always meets my needs. I am grateful for it. I am also grateful for our prophet, Thomas S Monson. I read yesterday a quote by him. He said "Pray not for tasks that meet your abilities but abilities that meet your tasks. Then what you do won't be the miracle, You will be the miracle." That isn't exact, but it was a really good thing for me to remember. We need to all remember not to try to escape our situations but become somebody through our situations. \
I also read in Ether and in 1 Nephi, that God prepares US and THE WAY BEFORE US. We never have to worry if we can handle something if we are relying on Him. Ether 2:25. We cannot cross the deep, or make it through hard times, without Him preparing us.
Thank you all for your support! I love you all! The computer doesn't let me send very many pictures, so hopefully soon I can send my SD card home and my mom can share pictures with all of you. 

Sister Smith

Hi, I miss you guys. I wish I had more time on here. but I don't. And we aren't allowed to email chat I guess so I just get to email you once. Everything reminds me of home. but I am learning to think "this is nice that it is the same here as at home. so I can adjust easier. Instead of missing home.

 I am trying to focus on the enabling power of the atonement. I read "the atonement and our journey of mortality" by bednar. read it. We listen to Vocal Point (Lead thou me on) a lot. My usb doesn't work great for music, the CD is easier. but It is helping me get through. All the songs are my favorite.

Well bye! I love you so much. I can't wait to see you all again. Keep becoming who you can be. Read the book of mormon. I am going to read the New Testament next I think. I don't know. We'll see. I love you I love you I love you! Bye

Sister Smith

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dagupan Zone

I got an email with photos from Sister Smith's sweet "mission mom" with a little more info...yay! Oh, also, she let us know that family and friends are not to "chat" back and forth through email with Aubrey. She can send one email each week to her family.

A note from me (Mindy): If you are friend or family writing to Sister Smith, sending a letter through pouch or snail mail would be better than email, since she has such a limited time to read emails, and cannot email you back anyway. If you need information on how to send her a letter, let me know! And PLEASE DO send her letters! Having letters in her hands that she can read and re-read will be very helpful and comforting to her. :)

From Sister Monahan:

Sister Smith's area is Dagupan City, Dagupan Zone. Dagupan is a fairly large city and they are known for their fishing, especially the bangus fish. Dagupan has a yearly Bangus Festival that turns into quite a celebration. Dagupan has a stake with 6 wards and she is in Dagupan 5.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sister Maganda (Beautiful)

I'm pretty good. I actually have a notebook to tell you things. 

I have bad allergies here. Like I sound like I'm sick all the time. So I guess I will take allergy meds for a year and a half.

Here everyone drives however they want, like it doesnt matter what side of the road or anything. It's just whatevs ya want. haha. its scary. we ride in trikes a lot. 

The Manila MTC was pretty awesome.  It was beautiful. I forgot my card reader so maybe pics next week.. :(

People yell Amerikano at me a lot. haha. Like little kids. and many people are amazed by my blue eyes. 

I walked by a rice paddy and the sun was setting. SO PRETTY. 

All my shoes are pretty good so don't worry about my feet. It has only rained one time since I've been here in the philippines. but when it rained it rained.

My kasama is sister Paningbatan. She's really sweet. Very quiet but she is trying really hard. Shes so small.

Sister Paningbatan is the cute girl on the far right.

Oh yeah. Kids pet my arms. because I have hair on them. 

I have had really good food. Nothing too crazy yet. 

I've had great experiences with the Book of Mormon lately. I try to pray for something specific before I read it and I get really specific help from reading it. I have met some great people. Tatay Jesus helps us a lot. His friend, Tatay Servillano is another cute old man investigator. We have recent convert family the Ferrers, 4 daughters and one little boy. So sweet. They call me Sister Maganda (Beautiful) haha. 

I will try to send pics next week. 

Try to be missionaries at home. I have realized how much it takes the members. They are more important than the full time missionaries. and if you don't have people to share the gospel with or you are on bedrest or something, do family history :) love you all!
Sister Smith

one time in a lesson in manilla i sniffed loud and my kasama said "you want a tissue?" I said hindi. then she looked at me weird and I realized she said "do you want to SHARE?" it was awkward. so I was like wait yes I do!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

She's Arrived!!

Hello everyone! I don't really have time but I wanted you to all know I am safe in Manila. It is beautiful here.  I love it already.  The people are awesome.  The views are gorgeous. The MTC pres is so kind. The rooms are nicer than provo. IT feels almost like a nice hotel. :) Mahal ko kayo! Magandang araw!
Sister Smith

So far things are going well. We got here around 11ish last night I think. We went to bed about 1 in the morning. Breakfast this morenign was alright. It isn't terrible but it isn't good. haha. Looking out the window is pretty much one of the coolest sights ever.  Its palm trees and green and pretty buildings and then in the distance a city skyline. The sky is really pretty and I can't wait for the sunsets. I am so tired of airplanes so I am glad I won't be on them for a while.  I didn't sleep much on any of the planes. But I slept really good last night and waking up at 7:30 this morning was easy. 
We are going proselyting in manila this afternoon. That's kindof scary but it will be awesome.  ONe of the sisters in my branch was going to leave some size 8 crocs at the mtc in provo and I was like I'll just take them just in case because she ahd only worn them once. Well my feet are way swollen so I'm glad I got those.