Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I'll Be the One

This will be short, but I hope you're all doing well. 

Yesterday the Philippines had a multi stake broadcast from Salt Lake.
One speaker spoke about being the one. Here, in english, instead of saying, "let me do that," a Filipino will usually say "I'll be the one." 

He related it to our lives and the gospel. We need to be the one. Be the one to refer your friend. Be the one to stand up for what you believe. Be the one to go out of your way to invite, pick up for church, and fellowhip others. Be the one to serve and magnify your calling.

Of course the Savior was really THE ONE. He did it all. And we can apply that in our lives too. 

I am going to testify that missionaries need members. I read a story by Henry B. Eyring. Once he had a friend, and this friend wasn't a member of the church. But he didn't really feel like he wanted to share the gospel with him yet. Then this man was suddenly killed in an automobile accident. Henry B Eyring said he doesn't look forward to after this life when that man asks him "Why didn't you share what you have with me?"

So share it. And if you are one of our friends who hasn't had it shared to you yet, look into it and open your heart. See what you think. Jesus Christ invites all to Come and See.

I love you all. 

Sister Smith
A tree with teeth on it.

Sister Nolido and Sister Smith

New companion Sister Nolido

Snippets to Mom & Dad:

I'm excited for packages and letters. So I thought I would get my watch in a package of Sis. Jenkins, but her mom actually sent me a package. She's so nice. She sent like pasta things and candy and cards. I almost cried. Tell her it made me so happy. And I am honestly thrilled to have a watch again.

I'm working on a christmas list. 

News, I got an umbrella. News, it leaks if it rains. hahaha. it's okay though. it will be fine for a while. 

I don't really work out good. but I am committing to work out and eat better. This apartment is better for working out. We have a basketball court with bleachers across the street so I can do real cardio and stuff. I hate pushups though. But I do abs. I had an impression two nights ago that I can only get healthy if dad does it with me. I don't know how, but I need help. Support. I'm pretty healthy though. The best thing ever, WE HAVE A GREAT BLENDER! I have been enjoying smoothies. funny story, this morning I was kindof stirring it and looking down at my smoothie and it got an air bubble and blew up on my face. I laughed. 

Thanks for working so hard on your goals, mom. I got a letter from you and coop this week. 

Yesterday at our conference a little boy kept coming up to me and pointing to my tag. He was just gently touching it over and over. I had been wanting to feel like I should really be a missionary here and it was just a little cute thing. 

Well, I love you all lots. I miss you. 

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