Thursday, October 29, 2015

hump week....nangyari na

This was a pretty good week. I will stick to the highlights. 

One great thing that happened this week was that I had exchanges with my nanay or trainer on the mission. It was great to see her again after some months, to catch up, to be able to speak straight tagalog to her, and have adventures with her, including seeing the ocean for the first time on my mission. 

I also hit my halfway mark this week. What? Where did half my mission go? As I reflect on the last nine months, it is full of hardship strife and pain. But it is also full of growth, experience and of course joy. This IS my joy. Although each day there are things that make it difficult, there are language barriers, there are drunk people, there are storms and heat and rejection, there is also the pure happiness that comes from trying to be like Jesus. I invite all of you to try, just a little bit each day to become a little more like Him. See what happens to you too. 

We had interviews with the mission president. One thing I have been really loving about my mission pres is his humor. I have to take notes of Deyro humor all the time. It was funny though because I didn't really have any concerns at the interview. I saw a liahona on his desk though that I didn't recognize (i have read so many on my mission) and I asked if it was new. He said, oh no that's really old, have it. I was like no it's okay. But he just said take it. It was pretty crazy because it contained articles pertaining to many of the different things I have been pondering and some of those questions in my heart I didn't realize I had. Tender mercies. 

The Lucena Kids got baptized!!! Their baptism was a joy. Their dad was able to baptize him. It was fun to see their sweet family together with no fighting or yelling, but peace and happiness as they progress in His plan for them. I liked later that night as I saw they had started being taught Jan 22 (which happens to be Jan 21 in the US-the day I went into the MTC) and they were lost somewhere a couple months later...then as I thought about them and returned to them, I got to be the missionary that witnessed their baptism halfway in their mission. What a blessing. Sometimes you just feel like certain things were meant for you. 

Shoutout to the member who fed us skippy peanut butter and bread and lemonade for a snack this week. 
Also shoutout to Urdaneta 2nd Ward choir. We totally rocked Come Unto Christ. 

I love you all and I love my mission. I love my life and I love what the Savior is doing with it. Enjoy your week! Please ponder conference. And your scriptures. And talk to our Father- He's waiting for you, He's calling your name! 

Sister Smith

To Mom:

Yay! I'm way excited for Sister Jenkins. She sent me a card and a necklace this week. I'm sad though bc when I wear necklaces here my neck turns green and I look like an alien creep. 
I forgot I sent a letter :) yay.
I am sad I missed playing at Sister Bard's funeral. We planned that for a long time. Cool tender mercies though. I remember a while ago knowing that she served a mission here in the Philippines but I had forgotten. I remember a few years ago when I went over and wrapped presents with her for her grandkids for Christmas. I wish I could go back to those experiences and hear stories again and ask more questions. Kindof like you feel with great grandma and my quilt. We take so much for granted. 
I love all those stories about her. What a neat person. I hope I can be great like her. 
Thanks for the pictures. I think I didn't take the ST G one, but it's still cool. and I love that temple. Thank you!
One thing I need to have you do is try to find out when i would need to sign up for classes for fall 2016 semester. I just realized that I need to make some big decisions and I need to have a deadline. like if I'm going to try to do SPED or not. 
You should email sis p. She still hasn't got any mail from her family.
I love davie. It's great. You sent a letter. I think that's all. IT was awesome.
I'll teach you to ami someday.
Thanks for taking my study suggestions. I like hearing stuff about it. 
Hopefully we don't have anything worse than that typhoon. I can handle that, but ugh. 
Wow I'm popular. Just kidding you are. You should search for Cherrie May Dassun Talusig or Gem Mines I think they posted some pics with me in on fb. but Idk. 
I am happy Im halfway, sad, I feel like it's too short before I go home but also forever. LIfe is weird. 
Thanks for being a great mom. Tell the boys hi. I love you all. 

To Dad:

daddddy dearest. this is your princess petunia. 
hows it going.
there's some crap from the storm but its not too bad. our work kindof stunk because of the people being busy and us trying to recover and get going again but yeah. 
your job sucks. just kidding. I am glad you have one. I'm sorry it's slow and that the economy stuff is bad. do you know who's running for president next year? It probably won't get better before the second coming.
I'm glad you have such a great calling to have such great experiences. Speaking of callings, tell mom she won't get released till she loves her calling. and learns whatever God wants her to learn. 
My calling is pretty good :)
Wow people want your talk. You're like a general authority. You'll probably get famous! I wish I could hear it. It's not fair ;) I have to miss everything. But I get to do and see awesome stuff here too. 
Sis Paningbatan is funny. But our exchanges sucked because their next door apartment is also missionaries. bad ones. We had to wait up because they didn't come home till after 10:30.. they were full of lies. It is sad to see people like that. It makes me appreciate you and mom a lot because you gave me an attitude of obedience. and I only really rebelled once and it wasn't very fun (Jacob Lake.) 
Thanks for thinking of me in the temple. I am glad I get to be there, in your thoughts. Keep writing me letters. Sis Smith liked your letter I can't remmeber if I told you that.
Thanks for being a great dad. I know that I am sometimes way hard. Especially when I feel scared or something. But even though we yell at each other I still know you love me. So don't worry. I will see you in 9. Love you all!
Sister Smith

Thursday, October 22, 2015

So This is What a Typhoon Looks Like

I can't really remember a lot about my week. It was a good week. We had some great experiences. One being the Lucena family. The three kids we've been teaching have passed their baptismal interview. It has been miraculous to observe their family experiencing the atonement. The first time I went there the parents were "too busy" or hiding from us. The parents are members, but not active (before.) The kids fought, the parents fought, we could barely share a simple message. But thanks to perseverance and the Spirit, we have seen Christ change them. Even the little kids sit and listen to us. They have begun to have family prayer. the contention is lowering so drastically. We love them and are so excited for their family to continue to grow. 

One funny story about them- their dad still hasn't come to church. A few weeks ago their family stopped drinking coffee. Last time we were there the dad said "I think I really will have to go to church. NOw we don't drink coffee, there is enough money for me to go to church for sure." It was a great simple blessing. We hope to see him in church soon.

This week I got told I have Taylor Swift eyes and I am a perfect example of "classic 1960s american beauty." I'll take it. 

I had an Old Testament marathon while we were locked up this weekend. As I studied today in D&C 1, I pondered how in the Old Testament the challenge was idolatry. Now, we may not worship statues, but what idols are in your life? Do you put your new car or your education or even your job above He who gave you life?

I will tell a little about the typhoon. We were told one might come. On Sunday morning I woke up at 3 am. I didn't sleep again. It was pitch black. the faint light outside was just enough to see trees whipping around. I don't know how to explain the wind. It was different. Sunday church was cancelled. We were grateful for the members who braved the storm to bring us the sacrament. Our power came back sunday night, and the storm calmed. Monday we were also stuck in the apartment. One monday night after a day of lots of rain but less crazy wind they said we'd go outside today. We went to bed finally able to really rest...only to be woken up at midnight. They were bringing a bunch of sisters to our house whose areas were flooding. So it was an adventure, but nothing too bad. Many prayers were answered as the proposed 5 day storm turned and changed. I am grateful for the preparation we took and I hope all of you are prepared with 72 hour kits. and I hope you have tastier canned food than me.

I love you all. thanks for your prayers and support. I will take pics next time there's a typhoon. Just kiddin.

Have a great week! Remember God's hand is in everything. Every heartache, pain, trial and even our own mistakes can be turned into the most crucial moments in our lives-for our POSITIVE growth.
Love yall. Mahal ko kayo lahat!
Sister smith

Sister Smith

To Mom:

I don't know if your awake but I would like the pics I took at the temples last year in november I think they are all on my insta. If you have time to send them now, or you can send them next week.   

My toe seems to be improving. I just wore flip flops for a while. It's better to be ugly than hurt.

I am learning to ami. Aka shake my bootie like an Islander. Missions teach us everything.

You should read the Remarkable Soul of a Woman by Uchtdorf. When you have a half hour and nothing to do. (haha. like that happens)

I need to exercise.

I got davie today!

I like 1 Ne 16 about reacting to adversity. 

I love you a lot. I thought a lot during the typhoon when I was awake at 3 am. You are awesome. Sorry this is short. I am attaching a lame part written letter and a pic of the awesome thing my hair does here. Love ya!

Sister Smith

To Dad:

I read your other email but it's hard to reply to both well. I love you a lot. We got our letters today. Sis Smith wasn't offended. haha. I read it, I hope she gets it. 

I am grateful for our safety but it is hard knowing so many have it so much worse and we can't even do a lot about it. But we have the gospel to share which lessens any earthly calamity.

It was kindof scary, kindof wet. Our area wasn't bad really but around us bad stuff.

Yeah, life is easy there and hard there too. Everything is just perspective. THeres a lot of hard things at home i don't miss and then there's trials here. 

I love you I talk about you a lot. I know you are the best dad for me. You always did your best and tried hard to lead our family and I'll say you've done well. We have lots of trials but we can do anything. Thanks for all your insights. 

I am happy and laughing. Love you!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Just DO IT

Hello everyone.

I will start off by saying I actually kindof like chicken intestines. Weird things happen to your taste here.

I don't even know what to share from conference except watch it. and I will apply what I read in Ezra this week. whatever you heard, no matter how hard it sounds, no matter how much you DON'T want to change right now, no matter how "far gone" you's what I have to say:

That's it. Just do it. Okay? Okay.

This week we found lots of new investigators, and some less active members. I really am seeing the vision of missionary work more and more. I am so grateful for this time I have to serve the Lord and my Father in Heaven. 

Last night I was teaching a young single mom about the Atonement and I just felt like although it was simple, I saw wheels turning in her eyes. I knew what to say. I know she's preparing and feeling the spirit. that is a good feeling. 

Well. I don't have much more today. If you want more to read, Please go read general conference. haha. 

I also invite you to do these 4 things. Keys to happiness (thanks Sis. Kaylee Lofthouse)
1. Be obedient
2. repent
3. forgive
4. bring God's children to Him
We can all try a little harder to be a little better. I love you all! 

Update me on your lives. I may not answer, but I do like to know your life events :) 
Sister Smith

To Mom:

Poor grandma. I feel really bad. I feel like I am not praying good. She always asks me to pray for her and I forget a lot to pray specifically. Well, I will try to do better now. I'm a bad pray-er. 
I'm glad she's okay though. And I guess the prayers I offer probably helped her from getting hurt worse.
Tell her I love her and she's awesome. Find some really high calorie foods to syringe feed her. There has to be something better than 200 calories. 

I'm jealous you went to that conference. I wanted to go to that way bad remember? I have heard meg johnson before. she's really good. 

I can't even express my gratitude for my nearly perfect parents and the fact that I have an imperfect family striving to reach perfection.

You can send me a talk if you want. I'm sure I'll listen to it sometime.  

I LOVED conference. I felt like EVERY talk was my favorite. It's funny because I really feel like Heavenly Father is picking me as a favorite child. there's no way He could be answering His other children if He's answering me so perfectly right? I guess that's the magic of conference. I am still like in shock over how good it was. 

I think one thing I really learned was HOW to have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion. I am struggled with that on my mission. I feel like I don't know HOW to feel the Spirit. but that was answered in conference. That was a question I didn't ask, but had in my heart. 
My other questions were answered and I feel like I am prepared at least till April. I'm ponderizing Helaman 10:4. That's where my finger hit. 

One thing I am doing that I would like to do with you is memorize the Living Christ. I started earlier this week and I'm about 3 paragraphs in. But already it's making a difference and if you read one of the talks that i forgot the name from the Oct 2014 womens' session she talks about it.

I wanted to ask you and dad if you have any appropriate experiences you could share with me from your patriarchal blessing. I don't know if that's even appropriate, but if it like says anything about me or whatever. I just thought of that the other day and I don't know why.

Well, I really love you. By the way, thanks for buying me a toblerone last week. It was kindof expensive but I said yeah, mom loves me.  (note from mom: just to really catch the humor of this, I did not send her a toblerone... she bought one herself "from me")

I am so grateful for the gospel. I realized I am never really happier than when I am being inspired by the word of God and when I grasp that potential of what we as the sons and daughters of God have in the next life. 

I love you!
Your favorite and one and only,
sister smith

p.s. here are some random pics I would send you if I had snapchat. 

To Dad:

Hey daddy dearest.
I'm glad you are fulfilling your calling well. You are awesome. Thanks for pressing forward. 
I looooooved conference. It was just for me. I loved all the talks-together they just made me see what I can become if I can just let go of my reservations and accept Him. 
One thing that happened yesterday, a dad we are trying to reactivate asked me if it's okay to physically discipline his kids, and I just told him to pray and ask. He's way frustrating because he's not nice to his wife and stuff. I can tell he wants to be the one to baptize his kids next week but he will not do anything like go to church because apparently he has depression. If you have any advice for him, just let me know. You're a good dad. He wants to be one. 
I think the two things they are emphasizing are church and sustaining the prophets. Because those are things we kindof do in public. we better be reading and praying on our own, but like d todd talked about, we NEED church to have support of others. I want to be better at keeping the sabbath day holy on sunday. not playing outside or watching tv or being lame. there are thousands of less actives to visit. plenty of things to do as a family. plenty of things to read. we can even cook together. but I don't want to waste time anymore. especially on sunday.
I love the yoke thing. Remember he is babe the big blue ox and we're like that little mini ox "wippee! look how great we're doing, Jesus!" when He's really doing it. :)
Have you read all of PMG? If not, just so you know many of the talks of gen conf were almost direct quotes. I think that shows that what members and nonmembers need is in that book. I would invite our family to study it. We need a foundation of pure simple doctrine. 
I love you.
I'm really happy. I can't believe I'm almost halfway through. Time flies. I'm learning a lot. You're awesome. Love your Princess Petunia. 

Become His Friend

Hi everyone. I hope you enjoyed conference! I have not enjoyed it yet since it's a week late here. Well I really enjoyed the women's session. It was amazing.

This week started off with our mission president coming to one of our investigator/less active family's house for a family home evening. It was a neat experience for their family and a lot of fun to spend time with all of them. 

Sis Smith and I tried the creepiest weird face masks. It was like a spa night gone creepy criminal. but we had good laughs.

One great thing that happened this week. As we planned for our week we realized we really want to find the less actives. Especially the ones who have been forgotten or given up on. We prayed and discussed how, and decided to bring the list of members with us. Well it worked like magic. That night we had multiple people coming up to us on the street, asking who the bishop is now, asking about coming back. One especially good experience was seeing someone almost cry in humility but still admitting to have a desire to come back. It was crazy. 

We had sis Smith's first exchanges this week. I worked with a girl from Utah who is in Sis smith's batch. It was funny because she brought up restaurants I had almost forgotten. I'm craving some foods now. But I realized the mcdo cheeseburgers taste the same here. I didn't really like them at home but they are the first orange cheese I've seen in a long time.
As I said, the general women's broadcast was great. If you missed it, go watch it. If you didn't know about it, go to and find it. Do you know who you are? Go find out.

I did my 3 words this week. It is a project they do in our mission. The question was How do I do His work in His way by His power. Look up the scripture on my poster :)

I'm nervous since this week is transfer week but I know His plan is great. We'll see what happens. 

I love this gospel. I love the Book of Mormon. this morning I was pondering how the Book of Mormon helped me have a testimony of the Savior. I just thought about the understanding I have because of the Book of Mormon and I am so grateful. 

On another note, this week i started learning Ilokano. It's rough, but I thought why not.
I am really grateful for the miracles I see each day. I see them inside me and I see them around me. His hand is always at work. I love you all! Enjoy your fall weather. :)

Sister Smith

To Mom:

I love you more. 

I loved the women's session. It really reminded me how much potential we all have. Even though we aren't perfect, we just need to try. 

I bought a few new shirts so I have about 8 not tshirts, we also had to buy these zone souvenir jerseys, I got some shoes (that don't work still) and yeah. So that's where money is going. I am trying to be careful. but just thought I'd let you know. I might take a little more out to have an emergency fund. 

I bought a new study journal too and it's cool. I'll probably have to leave everything and just take study journals home at the end of my mission. 

Do you think I could somehow get the Mark Mabry videos about Christ? Sometimes we want to show videos to our investigators but most of the church ones are long or in english. I think those don't have any talking, just music, which could be really neat. Maybe ask gma lynda about that. If they could just be sent on dvds or something. 

I have been frustrated lately because I know you want your scriptures covered with cool leather and they do that here. I think it would be way cool but theres no way to do it for you. haha. I wanted to do it for myself too but maybe before I go home I will have them make a case. anyway that's way unimportant stuff to say. 

that's nice of susan. say hi to aubrey's baby and to lindsey when she gets home. 

Sister smith is great! She's the best. I need to go to Am Samoa sometime.

I think you are growing and changing a lot. Don't worry. It will happen if you turn it over to Him. Remember wood can't carve itself.
(that was inspirational right?)

I want to become a happy positive nice person too. I'm way baby. but I can change.
I'm way grateful for my mission. It's a miracle! Because I hated it for  along time. but now, even though I miss stuff, it's way important to me. Mom, there was a time I thought I wanted to come home and not even go to church any more. Satan is strong. But I am grateful for the strength Heavenly Father has given me and I hope I can find the reason He gave me that strength to change and live for it. 

I am fighting for the Cause of Christ.

Lov eyouuuu! Can't wait to see you in less than 300 days. 

To Dad:

I'm so excited. I love conference. Reading those names, it's like I knew they would be called as apostles. I think Gary E Stevensen may have come to the MTC...probaly not but if so I saw an apostle there! Those are 3 great guys. i remember their last talks.
I am glad you had a good time in Salt Lake. Hey, next october you can take me to get filipino food and I can talk to them in tagalog!
I loveeee my mission. It's way hard but somehow we keep going and we like it. 
I am sorry I didn't really have a lot to share this week. I am out of time. I will try to finish letters to the family later. we had a zone activity earlier so that threw off my groove and took all my time haha. 
I'm still with sis smith, but afraid that might change. 
I am teaching and learning always. I am working to get healthy again. I am happy! Be safe. I love you. I hope your letters come this week. 
You are the best dad. I'm sorry this is short. 
I will try to find a violin. and learn to play again. 
Thanks for being the best. I got your letter this week about like the temple and garners and stuff. it was cool. I could use more faith and harder work with the language too.
your daughter. who loves you,
sis smith.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

I Feel My Savior's Love

Some weeks you walk a lot, and a lot doesn't go as planned, but He is always there! 

This week was a hard week in some ways. We had a lot of great intentions and plans, but we are learning to trust that His plans are better. We saw a lot of miracles!

Rose is still doing great. I've never had an investigator love Lehi's family so much.

Marjorie is the cutest mom. I've seen her countenance change the past couple months. His gospel penetrates her heart. I can't wait to see her grow and progress more. 

We taught Joanna for the second time. She said during the plan of salvation basically that it just makes sense. I will testify to you all the plan of salvation has been engraved in our souls before this life. We chose that plan and right now we are living a small crucial part of it. and we can do it!

We taught the grandpa of one of our members whose grandson left on a mission this week. He was so cute. His wife recently died and his grandson was his favorite so he's been kindof sad. But even though he teared up a little, we saw his joy at learning. As we talked about Joseph Smith he held the pamphlet and he just touched God, then Christ, back and forth. It was sweet. No one is too old or too sad to hear these truths!

This week I had a moment where I felt really guilty but really glad I followed the spirit. We were walking past a teenager who was pregnant and kindof shy. At first I almost kept walking. But I felt like I wanted to talk to her, and so I did. She was very sweet. She's due in December, she's my age, she's actually married which isn't super common here. She said "You can meet my husband Brian too!" We haven't been able to find her real house yet but I felt that day that she needed that. So I know that He guides the people to us and us to the people. And He does it in your life too. Never forget to let Christ be the judge. 

I also dropped my wallet this week. A few minutes later some people I don't know drove past and said "Sis Smith! Your wallet is way back there with Sister Salmasan!" I was like Thanks God. I didn't even realize it was gone, but it ended up in a member's hands.

I love a quote I read this week by Heber J Grant. He basically said our salvation isn't to be found in marvelous manifestations, in knowing of Christ, or even our testimony. But that we will be saved by LIVING the life of a latter day saint, or by doing His gospel. Sometimes I know it is hard to act when you don't know or trust that it is true. But seeing an angel won't change your heart. Humbling yourself before the Father and trying out His will will change you. It's changed me.

I love you all. Enjoy your week. :)

Sister Smith

To Mom: 

Hello my favorite mom. You are the coolest on the planet. 
People still think I'm an alien. I get stared down a lot. It's way funny.
I was singing with a group of people. But I think around Christmas time we will have a small group singing on TV here in the Philippines. Don't tell people in case that's a secret. haha. but yeah. I was invited to do that. 
I heard Richard G. Scott died. I can't believe there are THREE to be called. I'm excited for conference, although I will know next week since all of you get to watch it first. I'm so excited for saturday for the women's session!
That's funny I have been focusing a lot on the loving and making people happy. I'm ahead of the game ;) No, I was studying your letter you sent about asking if things make you happy and I realized that is a way good tactic for our whole life. When you're tempted, when youre sad. Does this make me feel joy or peace or whatever? No. Then let it go. 
Yay! I love letters!
Yeah I am doing my best to wear my shirts i hate. Just kidding. I am used to it now.
I love you too. I did eat icecream and I found a little shop where a cute lady names susan makes muffins. I went there and asked if she knew how to make choco chip cookies. she said yes. then after a few days she saw me and gave me some! They weren't good. I have yet to eat a real choc cookie here. but THEN I kept asking if we could teach her. She said on friday night, "tomorrow I will make you a loaf of banana bread to give to you! and  you can come teach my kids!" so I will get her. SHe is softening up. and I am too from all the muffins. :) 
my toes are way pangit. you can look that up. basically I am trying to not die. just kidding. I only have to make 10 more months with this walking stuff.
I can't believe it's been one year! one year ago I watched the women's session and KNEW I needed to go to the temple. Then I decided yeah, I'm going to go on a mission to do that. then we had conference and then I met michael. and look at that. here I am. I may not have done the easy or best or smartest things but Heavenly Father has forgiven me for my pride or wrong desires and now I'm being His missionary. 
I realized last week that the ingredients for no bake cookies are here. #yes #Imadethem
I was still feeling bummed about sis Untong. Then I prayed about it. and studied a little. then after a couple days I knew I needed to let it go and just put it behind me. then I got pouch from her. she's cute. she apologized and said "sorry I'm way prideful and dumb. please remember our good times." i was like glad. because I think we both needed to step back and realize our faults and grow from it. 

Okay. I love you. keep being cool. I hope time flies so I can see you again but I also hope it lasts because my mission is like almost done. LIndsey rust comes home next week. She was at my point in the mission when Aubrey got married. D:

To Dad:

Thanks for writing letters. I am excited to get them. You're the best. 
This has been a hard week but I know that I'm trying and each day I can try to be a little better. I'm sorry the oil field sucks. I bet the work there is still better than it is here. I can't believe about all the apostles. It really feels like the world and church are being prepared for stuff right? Like Heavenly Father needs those apostles for some other work.
That will be be fun to go to the conference center. 
I love tyler too. and cooper. I always think about them and I can't remember negative things. I just love them.
I am thankful for our family. I am so lucky to have such faithful families and that I know what I want in my husband. My companion has a boyfriend at home who's not a member and she even thinks of marrying him if he doesn't get baptized. I'm just grateful that I know I will never make that choice that I can see the blessings of temple marriage. She grew up without a dad so I don't blame her. but I bear simple testimony as I talk about you and stuff.
I have started getting addicted to coke and rc cola. I just want soda a lot and it's way cheap and available here...but I am doing my best to stop. Don't tell mom. haha.
I found out it's a tradition in the Philippines to listen to American Country music on sunday. I really like that.
I'm learning a lot dad. I'm way glad I'm here. Even though it's still hard. I can't believe it was almost a year ago I told you I was going for sure. What a crazy and hard year. I've experienced enough in this year that it almost feels unreal. But it's happening. and it's too fast. 
Thanks for saying I'm a good person even though you know my faults. I guess that's how Heavenly Father is too. I read a talk from when I was in the MTC that one of the presidency there gave. He just said our Heavenly Father will always focus on the good we do basically. That when we repent, He remembers them no more, and we don't need to focus on if we were a bad dad one day, he looks at all the good we did. I don't need to dwell on things I did, but who I am.
Take care of yourself. Be good too. Be happy too. Smile and laugh too. and make some friends. and memories. Eat some pizza and cafe rio and bascially anything that has cheese. Youre the best dad ever. 
Love your daughter.
Aubrey L. Smith

Oh yeah. We prayed to know how to help the ward and stuff. Maybe you need help with that too. We found really good answers in Alma 7.