Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Last One!

I am just on for a few minutes, because I will see you in just a few days. I can't believe this day si here. I am emailing you for the last time as a missionary. I don't have any last instructions for you that I know of. I didn't leave all my clothes. Some of them have sentimental value. Also, I figured I have 100 pounds, I might as well fill it. Also I have lots of books. Ugh. We'll see though. I might go crazy when I try to lift my suitcase and just dump it out and leave it. 

Well, I'm happy and sad. I"m happy because I get to see you soon, and sad because I won't see anyone here for a lonnnnnnng time. It all feels unreal. BUt I will REALLY hug you on Wednesday night. 

Love you sooo much. I know this is His work, and I'm not finished. :) Just transferring to a new area :) Be patient with me as I learn english, and learn how to use appliances and cars, and also have a device ready so I can skype people who speak tagalog. I have some work to do on the social media.... contact all the people I love! 
But of course. I just want to spend time with you. I miss you so much. Love you! 
Sorry for the weird email. It's just weird today. I'm emailing in the office, getting ready for my exit interview with President Deyro. Bye bye! Love you!!!!

Sister Smith

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The time is far spent

There is little remaining, but I'm not slowing down. Life is so good. I have some other emails to do, so just enjoy some pictures, and rejoice with me, because today I found out that my investigators in my last area (Alex and Laura) that were going to get married in April got married today! I also recently found out that someone I started teaching last October is planning to be baptized in August.  Trust His timing in your own pursuits as well, because He answers prayers. 

Love you all!

Sister Smith

I KNOW I KNOW I WILL SEE YOU SOON :) :) :) I'm counting and I know that makes it slower but I can't help it. 
I will also miss being on my mission. Kaylee Lofthouse is right. I'm already starting to feel that feeling like I'm useless. But I know there are still lots of good things I can do, and I can still learn and grow and study and be righteous even when I'm not a missionary anymore. But it's like part of me is really dying. 

I like that story about Bishop Hyde. I need to be better. Lately I just pray kneeling on my bed because a while ago I knelt on the floor then all of a sudden bug was on my leg and it freaked me out. Buut I have seen this week that lots of things have happened from my prayers so maybe that means they are getting more sincere. And i guess it might take a lifetime to get really good at praying

Yeah. I already am just trying to prepare my mind to not try to do too much when I get there. Because I don't need self created stress. 
I think it's just different circumstances in lots of ways. Like here it costs about 400 dollars for tuition at school, and there are lots of scholarships. And houses are cheap. And there is public transportaiopn and food is also cheaper. So I think that you have to just realize that everyone's life is hard, and we just have different challenges. But this week I had a moment where I just couldn't take it. Two little girls were walking, like small little girls and their school is far. We asked them why they didnt' want to use an umbrella, because it was SO HOT. And they were so quiet and just said they didn't have any. So I said to use mine while we were walking together. But when we got to our appointment, I just couldn't help it, I asked the little girl if she wanted it and she just gave a shy little nod, and yeah, now I don't have an umbrella in the hottest rainiest season. But I won't die. It's not like I've gone through like 13 or something. Haha....I hope those little girls grow up and become members. 

Speaking of poverty, I will send you pictures of my shoes. I don't think they are functioning anymore, so I'm just wearing my crocs for now, but then my toes hurt. Who cares. It's just one week!! :)

I cry everytime I think of hugging you too. It's killing me. 

I love reading Tyler's emails! I didn't understand why you all made such a big deal about me, till I got his emails. I am so jealous. I wish I could just visit denmark!!!! it's beautiful!

It was my half birthday and 18 months last week. EW!

I have been eating lots of stuff. Because I will miss it. I'm trying to just focus on eating stuff I can't get at home. haha.

Okay, well I better email dad and tyler and cooper and everyone! 
LOVE YOU!!!!! see you soon! 

pictures of my shoes, and my mean girls face. Why did I do that? no wonder everyone thinks I'm rude. I'm not pretty haha. 

Hi dad! I'm excited to see you too! I'm going to miss having me out here too. AT least there is tyler. I will do my best to continue growing and giving you exciting news and serving the Lord even when I'm home. I am still pretty focused. I can handle it. :) Yep, one week from now is my exit interview with President Deyro. I can't believe it. I have some goals to just learn to be quieter. I don't know I guess sometimes I feel like I try to fix problems with words, when sometimes I should just be quiet. 
Also I'd like to finish the BOM but I dont' think it will happen because I'm still in Mosiah. 
I'm proud of you for running, and sorry you had to eat crap. 
Hopefully we'll get a chance to speak together. Maybe they'll have you speak at my homecoming. 
That's cool that my ancestor named Logan. No wonder I love it so much. 
Well, I love you lots. I'm really happy. I know that there are lots of miracles. I haven't been a successful numbers missionary, but I think I've really had a change of heart, and there's no way to measure if people were affected by me or not, so I'll just assume I did lots of good :)
Love you!
Princess Petunia

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Lots of fun

There's not as many things as rewarding or as fun or as difficult as a mission. I'm still learning so much, and also experiencing new things each day. I'm still making mistakes and errors with the language and culture which are sometimes confusing and embarrassing and even hurtful to others or myself. But I'm also to a point where I can love everyone. I feel His love all around me, even when sometimes I don't deserve it. 
I know we can all see miracles each day. Just look for them. Don't look for big things, just notice the times when things happened in an unexpected way. He's there!
This week we had lots of disappointments, with no investigators coming to church again, things like that. But we have some people, like Maridie, who although haven't come to church, are really progressing and seeking the truth. And that's what matters. All improvement and postive progression, no matter how small is still success.
We enjoyed some service this week. I like to just help with the small things sometimes. It makes everyone happier :)
I have felt humbled this week by seeing and hearing of other's situations and circumstances. We can always be grateful, more grateful.
I liked the talk "Eternal Families" by Henry B. Eyring this week. I'm not trunky :) Maybe just a little.

Love you all! 

Sister Smith

To Mom:

I literally can't wait. I'm happy, I'm still enjoying it, and I'm sad to leave, but I want my mom and dad! I can't believe it! It's been going by so fast! and so slow! Ugh. 
I'm working to not waste time, and I'm trying to be more relaxed and just enjoy the last. Yesterday this member was telling me something, then I couldn't understand him, and then he was mad, and then I couldn't speak tagalog right and offended him. Oh well. Move on. I'll apologize when I see him again. Sometimes we make mistakes. I'm grateful that I am still allowed to be in the process to perfection... haah.

I have so many letters from everyone on my mission. I've been trying to think of ways when I go home to organize all my journals and letters. Too much effort. That's so sweet about Adam. He's nice.

I'm really grateful for Pres Deyro. Last week I thought of some goals, and then I opened my email today from him and the suggestions were like the same as my goals. So there, I better do them.

I'm not too worried about clothes. I know shirts will still fit, and I'm excited for some of my clothes, I've really missed them. they will be like new when I get home. 

This week sis Claudia said you are posting countdowns. I laughed and said if I had facebook right now, I probably would too.

I hope I can come home and balance my life to accomplish everything! Just a little at a time I guess. 

It came from the store like that. I was so sad. 

Oh yeah, remind me to tell you when i get home all of the weird health beliefs. 

It's way sad, at fast food here, the food is the same price as at home when you convert it. But the employees get the equivalent of 8 bucks A DAY. That's one hour at home. 

Well, I have 10 minutes to do 10 emails, and find a talk I want to read. 

By the way, if you have any suggestions to make prayer more meaningful let me know.

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! I'm counting the hours. minutes. Seconds. I CAN'T WAIT TO HUG YOU!

To Dad:

I'm okay. just getting tired. But that's Satan, so I'm working to be as diligent and happy as I can be, although sometimes crap happens. Great missionary stories...nothing great. Just normal. People listened. Sometimes I feel like a failure, but I guess I just need to keep doing my best. I'm sorry stuff is so crappy with work. 
I'm excited for the temple. 
I can't remember round park. lets go when I get home.
I'm glad you ran a bit. 
Something I learned this week is that I don't have to try to be anyone's I don't have to do everything to make everyone happy. I can just show love in little ways and be a nice person, and that's enough. I guess I was like stressing because I want ALL the members to love me, and that's not necessary. I need to focus on everyone else feeling loved. Of course I'm not like a weirdo, like attention seeker, but I just realized the importance of what I learned in the focus outward and not think of yourself.
I also had an experience in language study that helped me remember that I have talents for teaching. Maybe i can do sped after all.
I'm not perfect, but I'm still striving. I love you! Can't wait to see you. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The deeper the well, the more water that can be held
I love this video! You should all watch it. I liked the honesty and reality of it. Not all service is easy. Sometimes it's not fast and sometimes it doesn't end. But just watch the video. 

I will keep this short and sweet. 
This week began with me buying some goya (like nutella) and when I got home, you can see from the picture that someone else got there first. haha. Oh well, I'm sure they enjoyed it more than I would have.

This week we had interviews with the mission president. I had realllllly missed president and sister deyro. It's sad that I won't see them for 3 weeks, and when I do, it will be the last time. I am so grateful for their wisdom and love, and I will be eternally grateful for them. Pres. said "I will come and visit you someday [in Utah] before I die." I look forward to that time. This week he talked to me about how each of our challenges in life digs us a deeper well. The deeper the well, the more water that  can be held. I've pondered this and one thought I had was that sometimes we see our challenges as things that take away from us. But in reality, it is digging us a deeper well- giving us more space. And it's up to us to fill it. That's where the choice comes in. We can either have a deep empty well, or we can be grateful for the space and become better. 

Our work this week was good! Through rain and pain we made it and saw miracles and felt His love. I don't have anything else to say, so here's some pictures and have a great week!!!

Sister Smith

To Mom:

I'm feeling kindof ready sometimes. LIke I love the mission, the work, the Philippines, but I don't like putting up with other people's issues.... gossip, disobedience, wasting time, etc. BUT I know when I go home that stuff will still be there. :) And my body is getting tired. But I'm not tired! I am working hard. 

I am worried about work and stuff like that. I think I would like to go earlier, like maybe the saturday before, because I feel like going to church before "the rush" really helped me the last two years. I met the bishop and a few members earlier, so it wasn't like them trying to meet everyone. I don't know. I just don't want to feel rushed in the adjustment back to logan, and I'd like to see some of my friends and our family before school starts. 

One time Brooke told me taht the most profound thing I ever said to her was that all people have special needs, and should be treated kindly.

I'm glad P Seitz will still be there when I get home! I was scared at first it would be new and they wouldn't know me when they released me./ 

It's so hard to get everything in. This week I'm scraping by with time only because they gave us extra time to do a survey and I"m a fast reader. 
I feel bad though. It's just so fast... one hour for all the research on, all the reading emails, sending statistics, writing emails, etc. :)

My flight plans suck :) But that's okay, I'm just excited to go home. Although I will get home at the equivalent of 1 pm here, so I won't be tired, but I will be so jetlagged the next days, and I willhave to force myself to sleep, or I will just talk all your ears off which you probably don't care. Lets stay in SLC and go to the Salt lake temple in the morning and meet P Seitz to release me. and then I need to buy pants, because I don't know if any will fit.And I'm done with skirts :)

Give my regards to LIndsey and Parker if their wedding is this week. Also find out if Ashley Hill will have any reception or anything that I could make it to. Her emails have been really sweet.

I'm a bad missionary... I totally stalked your facebook yesterday. Hey, the phone wasn't in my hands, Sister Claudia just happened to be looking at the pictures you were posting ;) So I saw at Heber, and Tyler's misson. :) Sister Claudia said you seem so cool and she really wants to be friends with you. She is really cool too.  I told her we would skype her when I get home and she seemed excited. She's like "your mom has so many talents, and she's so healthy and cute!" 

I've been doing the My Plan to prepare to go home. It's really helpful. I'm glad they have that now, so I can set goals about how I will study the scriptures, stayactive, date, study, etc. 

Well, I love you! I can't wait either. It's so soon and so far!!! But I know once I'm on the plane it will hit me. so I'm enjoying it now! :)
Bye! gotta email dad :)

p.s. My SD card shows the pics on my camera, but not on the computer. does that mean it has a virus or something? Grr. Oh well. Don't care. 

To Dad:

I'm really sorry, I combined your email last week, but forgot to add you. 
I'm glad you got to see some friends and stuff. That's always fun. I'm excited to see friends and family. It's only been 18 months, but then again there's people like Keaton and the other guys in my grade who I haven't seen for more than 3 years. I can't believe that. Good luck with work. Sorry cooper is justl ike that :)
Take mom on dates. I like what E . Uchtdorf said to surprise your wife with things that make her happy :)
I'm excited for you to meet with Elder Snow. He is the one who did the talk about humility right? Wow...famous :) 
I wonder what Pres deyro said to Pres seitz ;) I'm glad I have a good relationship with my Mission Pres- that he can trust me and considers me a friend. I feel like he's my fellow disciple, and not a commander. I think we should just stay in Salt Lake and have him release me in the morning. Then if we want to do stuff in Salt Lake, it's all finished and also, I bet he's sad that he is getting released, and also he set me apart so I'd like him to release me. But if it doesn't work out, of course I love pres basset too 
I'm learning a lot. I took your words and gave her a loud pep talk about punching satan in the face last night. AFterwards, we were laughing hard. Then, the other sisters in the apartment thought we were yelling at each other and crying . it was funny. I think she got the message too. so that's good.
I feel like I"m a successful missionary. Sometimes it's hard, but I've seen a lot of experiences on my mission. President Deyro said my msision has been really hard because I'm being prepared for a higher calling. so we'll see about that. 
Oh yeah, you asked about my plan a while ago, and I'm doing it now. It's really helpful! I've been learning and reflecting and setting goals. IT's good. 
I love you so much. I love your little words at the end of each letter. I wish I wrote them down each week and did them more. But anyway, see you soon.
I miss you, and can't wait to hug you. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

It smells like the fourth of july

that's all. It doesn't look like it. But we walked down the street and I smelled some grass and barbecue stuff and hot summer air... Later this afternoon we'll hopefully have a thunderstorm so I can close my eyes and pretend it's fireworks :)
Miracles of the week...
One day we planned to go to sister Ruby. She's so cute. I was thinking during Personal Study that we really need to teach her husband. But he is always gone or busy. I just kindof pondered and prayed in my heart. Later that morning we went to her..... her husband was home! Even though he was supposed to be working, he had gotten a little sick and stayed home. Hallelujah!
Number 2. I saw our 102 year old friend smoking again. I'm not sure if that's a miracle. But I'm glad she is alive!
Number 3. 2 of the investigators that I taught in Sta Barbara (RR and tatay Celinong) are baptized! I planted and fertilized for 5 months, and finally the harvest came. Yippee!
Number 4. Our power was out one morning. Sometimes if it's like that, it's for the whole day. But I was like pleasssse. Because I had milk in the fridge. and it came on right away!
Number 5. TWICE this week we planned to find some less active members. and TWICE I forgot to bring the list. One time, we just taught some random older ladies that we found after going down a mysterious path that I felt like turning on even though my comp's stomach was killing her... and anyway a lady walked in on the lesson, and she's one of the members on the list who hasn't even seen missionaries for probably 25 years. The second time we also found  a less active. That's not coincedence, Heavenly Father plans for my forgetfulness :)
Number 6. We are teaching this old man named Pedro. He's the cutest. Sooo sweet. BUT he doesn't understand much Tagalog. yet, he managed to make it to the church, all by himself yesterday, and he was even there an hour early ;) But how cool. He's almost 79 years old!
That's just  a taste of the life here. I love it. I see so many miracles. And most of them come out of our pain and adversity. As I studied in the NT about Gethsemane earlier, I thought of how many of the hardest things, the guiltiest or saddest or most disappointed or rejected or tired or whatever crappy times we have often lead to the sweetest, lightest, most hopeful mornings filled with His love. Just like Gethsemane, it may close in darkness, but when our eyes are opened spiritually again, whether by repentance/forgiveness, or a blessing or resolution, just like the resurrection we are given peace. 

And with that, peace out everyone. I will just keep swimming (literally it's been raining so hard) and you should too! 
And watch out for bees. I never knew, but they will still sting you even if it's dark outside. I learned that from being stabbed in the throat. 
Enjoy this and the next 3 or 4 emails because that's all youre gonna get. haa!

One is me with the first dr pepper I've SEEN in 17.5 months. 
One is my weird shake I got.
Happy 4th of july chicken.
pretty fields. 
me and my grandbaby.

Sister Smith

To Mom and Dad:

I can't believe it. I'm so excited sometimes. I was all irked this week because I found out that some of the missions are on earlier tracks. Like one sister, she entered the mtc 2 or 3 weeks after me, and their transfer schedule puts her going home almost 3 weeks before me. My mission is a month longer! But I know it's not that important, and that God's timing is what matters, I am just REALLY excited to see my mom. and dad. and cooper. and stuff. like if I sing along to taylor swift on accident I won't feel like a sinner. And I was really hoping I'd at least be there for the 24th of July.. hopefully I can at least do some fun summer activities. 

I used to hate mayo but this week I ate chicken salad sandwiches twice and the third day a cucumber sandwich and it's so nice. I'm cutting down on rice when I have a choice. Its funny because I just got your letter today and you wrote about what laci said about rice and I was like yep. that's the problem.

I"m so grateful for my childhood and our FHEs and that you let us teach although sometimes I'm sure my lessons were way weird and boring. 

I had a weird dream. I had prayed for little by little to understand more fully my testimony. Then that night I dreamed that I saw a video, and I was 10 years old in the video, sitting at a table with Henry B Eyring, and uncle Jason. and I just bore this simple and powerful testimony to them, and I woke up and I was like amazed at my 10 year old self who wasn't even real, but it just reminded me that I have been lucky to know the truth since I was little and that I need to keep my childlike conviction. Especially about the family, which Satan attacks so much (I think Jason was there because I saw him overcome that problem? Idk)
Anyway I'm a weirdo. I visited the lady in our ward who is half filipina and half american. She's from america so her english is so REAL. haha. It's fun, although I felt dumb because my english was awkward.

I'm glad daddy is recovering. I hope all is healed by the time I"m back! The weather has made work hard, but I don't care. It's fun :) 

I'm happy although not everything is perfect! I read all your letters to me from my whole mission (well most of them) and I laughed and bawled because I understood a lot more from this point. 

I'm jealous you are all up north and I'm excited to see everyone soon. Tyler didn't email him but I'll try to get a few words in to him and cooper.

Wellllllllllll bye. I love you! I have flight plans, so I will make sure you get them. 
mahal ko kayo!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hello Hello

Hi everyone! I am just sending you an email to tell you that WE ARE LOVED. 
This week I learned so much. After 17 months in the mission, there's still a billion things to learn and master before I finish. But it's lots of fun. I feel like it's kindof like the doctorate or research part of the mission. Where I can apply myself freely but also feel like there's so many new experiences. 
We watched the District this week for Sis. A's training. I cried! I love missions. 
This week we were talking to a dad. His name is Bobby. He has refused to listen to the missionaries for like 6 months. His two children became members, but He didn't want to listen. Then, for like the 4th time since I've been here, I was like "hey you really should listen to us, even just once." and he said OKAY. He even showed up for the appointment, and after it was over, he said he wanted to keep learning and CHANGE. I am glad I pushed him a little. Because he really wants to fix things. He had a really bad family problem, but he is learning that Christ's Atonement happened for him. It's awesome when people finally let the Master Physician in. His pain can all leave if he accepts the gospel. Pray for Bobby!
I have had some great experiences lately studying the New Testament. Sometimes I think of what it would feel like to be there by the side of Jesus Christ. But I do feel that. As His missionary, I experience His voice, His power, and His love daily, even with my imperfections. I have become one of His investigators. And His patience and love with me gives me the strength to also strengthen those areound me. 
I talked in church yesterday about how although life is hard, the gospel isn't. I said that in my opionion, God's life is probably kindof challenging at times. But it doesn't get Him down, because His work and His glory is His focus. I talked about how by helping God with His work and glory, we can experience the same joy as Him. I focused on family history, missionary work, and temple work. I shared about my great grandmother's journey to the temple as a young girl. It just hit me how if we resist doing God's work, because we are too busy or tired or lazy, we don't experience His glory. He sent us to earth so that He could fulfill His purpose, and while we are on this earth, we can choose whether or not to participate. 
I love you all. Life is so great, and I am changing because of the gospel. It doesn't require a lot of difficult things, because all that is required is willingness, then He does the hard work. 

Have a great week! 

Sister Smith

To Mom: 

I got the email. It's fine. I look ugly. but other than me I think it's great! and it will work fine, because I dont' even care about giving people cards, they will just cry if I don't. 
I would love to do that race if I can run by then :) jk! let's do it.
I want to speak tagalog to jennylyn!
I would love to do anything when I get home, especially if it's with you!
My companion is changing so much. She's always thanking me for teaching her and she told me that she has learned to be postive from me and not speak or think negatively about others. Last week I explained to her that those have been some of my biggest goals to change on my mission so what a compliment. I am finally becoming like Great grandma howell. Grandma howell also put that in my most recent letter from her. i feel lke I have a far ways to go, but what motivation that I am starting to be identified as positive, cheerful, and kind. not negative and gossipy.
I bought like $50 worth of little things. I got like a bunch of earrings that were way cheap because I thought of all my girl cousins but then I got home and was like what a bout the bo;ys? but we'll see. it is kindof just a bunch of little souvenir stuff that reminds me of here, so I will see. I thought of getting all of you a pair of flipflops because they are cheap here and that would be something you could use, but it would remind you of me and my mission. . we'll see. 
 I want to see this mr, chris stuff.
Okay well I hope dad is good. Show him the attachment I forgot to put on his email. 

LOV EYOU SOOO MUCH. I don't really care who comes to the airport by the way. It seemed like a big deal before and now I don't care, as long as I go home. Hahhaa. 
Miss you. See you in just over a month. I hope it goes by fast and slow!!
OH yeah, someone in our sunday school argued for like 20 minutes yesterday about how we should n't say swimming isn't okay on sunday because fish have to swim to stay alive. ugh. I hate that stuff.

To Dad:

Hey dad. I hope you're doing well. I fasted and prayed and worried a little this week for you. But I"m glad you're alive. 
Grabe I can't believe Tyler is leaving. Time is going by pretty fast. I just have 5 weeks... and then I fly too!
Jeffrey R Holland says the mission IS real life, that this is as real as life is gonna get. I think that is true. When else will I get to devote all my time to Him? Never. 
So I'm sad that I will be coming back to fake life. haha. Because work and school and stuff isn't all eternal. But finding my eternal companion is. ARe you workng on that? haahah
I love you so much. I haven't emailed everyone else yet. Oh yeah, Two of my long time investigators in Sta Barbara are getting baptized, well one already did. I think I might be the best planter in the mission. I have like the lowest baptisms, but I have heard of like maybe 20 baptisms from people I taught or started along the way. It's so awesome! I don't even care that I wasn't there to see it!
Well, Love ya! I like this quote, "Go where you're needed. Do what you can." Louise Y. Robinson.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day

Helllllllo all, 
I am so happy today because I have seen that Heavenly Father is very involved in my life. That He loves me and He loves you. I am noticing more and more how things happen at certain times and with certain people so that we can learn certain things that will prepare us to return to Heavenly Father. 
This week I saw some challenges, but I also saw His power. We taught some people with no kindness in them (I'm surprised sometimes at the nice things that come out of my mouth when someone is saying things like "you're too young to know anything more than me, I was in the hammock first.") 
I coughed and hacked it up this week and lost my voice. I learned that being able to talk is really important to missionaries. :)
We had a service activity where we cleaned up this lot. I cut and moved some logs and trash and it's nice sometimes to do yardwork...but I will be fine not doing it when I get home, dad :)
Happy Fathers Day to all of you dads, future and current. I love all of the father figures who have influenced me in my life. Especially my daddy, and my Heavenly Father. 
This week I also learned that we can't seek others' approval but God's. Through some things my companion told me, I learned that I have changed as a missionary. And as she told me some of my strengths, I was able to testify to her of how Ideveloped those things. The Way is the gospel. I'm not perfect. but the way is the gospel. 
I love you all :) Keep coming closer to Christ and be His friend. 
Bye! Sorry, like my brother, I have no pictures. We're not good at that in our family. haha. 
1 more transfer! See ya'll soon.

Sister Smith

To Mom:

I can't stand it. The other day I was like so homesick I just wanted to hold your hand. I guess that's every day. haha. 
You just got a fb request and no message? We sent pictures and stuff. Dang. Hopefully you will see it :) Yeah, Sis. Claudia is really nice. She's like 30+ and has no husband yet but she's so sweet and awesome. 
Hearing about Ragnar makes me want to run!!! Can't wait.
I am definitely learning a lot with my companion. I am just trying to make it fun because I'm going home! She's starting to love me, she said last night. So that's success ;)
It's okay! Don't worry about money. I took out 100+ because I'm trying to find some souvenirs since I've really not found any. But let me know if you think of any ideas of types of things you'd like me to bring home. 
I hope to finish the book of mormon but I'm only on 2 Nephi...
Poor dad.
You're my best friend too. 
I met a deaf member who's like 14 and she does ASL and it made me excited for SPED. It's like I don't want to do the school part but when i meet special people i'm excited.
Okay. gotta email tyler. love you bunches!!!

To Dad:

Happy Father's Day Dad!
I love you bunches and I'm sorry that you have had to feel so much pain. I hope your surgery goes well. Just don't stress too much. Think about it- you could be getting operated on here in the Philippines. THAT is scary. haha. 
If it makes you feel better, I got a chest xray since I'm going home soon and everything is fine. haha. 
I'm glad you got to hang out with Cooper and stuff. I'm excited to hang out with you again. It's crazy, it's starting to feel really close, but also so far away :) but I'm sure soon enough I'll be on the plane freaking out. 
This week, probably the most awesome thing that happened is that I forced my companion to tell me everything she hated about me. It was funny. Mostly that I don't eat enough food. But I started to strive to reallllllly listen to her and talk a lot to her and finally last night she told me that she is truly starting to love me. 
President Deyro is also awesome. I talked to him a little this week pres deyro was like "don't worry about what other's think. Christ was called a winebibber and sinner and devil, but He did His ministry till the end." and stuff like that. It really helped me remember that as long as I'm doing the right things because I love God, then people can think what they want. I'm glad that Pres. knows me and loves me enough to boldly tell me to get my faith back and keep walking on water. :) haha. I think one thing I have learned as a missionary is to be positive and hopeful... about myself, others, and situations. Sis. Apolinario told me last night, "you're a really positive person." which is something I would have never thought in the past...especially at the beginning of my mission. But I realized I have been changing.
I am so happy. It's hard thinking about leaving here. I sometimes just can't think about it. Because it makes me want to grab people's kids and spend all my money on foods, and stuff like that that I just can't do. 
I am trying to stay realllly diligent in my area even though we have met some really bastos people. I will also try to be better at training the members. I was just thinking this morning about how I wish the members here could experience the strength of the church in Utah, but I guess it is just little by little.
I'm really struggling with english lately. Sorry for my weird emails. 
thanks for always putting the "be's" at the end of your letters. they are always things I am working on and thinking about. Love you lots. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Level 120

This week was a good week. VERY challenging. Sometimes I feel like I am in a game and my character just gets everything happening at once and has to fight all of it. It's pretty hard. It's like level 120. But thats good. I've passed lots of levels and I will keep passing them till there's no more ;)
This week I had a sick day, but not a rest day! I only felt good when I was out working. Heavenly Father needs His missionaries. 
We had a "Blitz" in our area which means our district came and did some finding in our area. That was a good day because we achieved a lot together. It is fun to see what happens when you work hard and you believe that everyone has potential.
Birthday Shoutouts to my Anak, Sister Smith 2 and to my Daddy! and everyone else who has birthdays!
We found an elect guy named Jimmy. He's chubby with a ponytail and he wants to do things so that he'll know the truth. Jimmy is a nice guy and takes care of his old lady mom. He is honest. It is fun to teach people like that who really want to do what's right and find that truth. 
I read some conference talks this week, and also just in the things I'm studying I'm amazed at how many new things I can learn. Sometimes I find myself in awe at the gospel and at the beauty of His plan. 
I hope you are all well and happy. Mahal ko kayo!

Sister Smith

To Dad:

I am okay. I am healthy, although I spent one day with everything going out of me. but I'm better now.
I told you who my companion is. haha. But I am in Mapandan with Sis. Apolinario. My new area is pretty good. It is expensive travel, but it's pretty and I like the people. The ward is nice. Very loving and funny. It's a verrrry small town, smaller than Sta B. We have quite a bit of work, although we're still figuring out scheduling and stuff.  
I'm glad you had a good trek and meeting. That's fun. I'm glad that coop is gaining strength. 
Thanks for the encouragement dad. Sometimes it's really hard to have so much going on. Not only am I trying to give my all to the work and prepare to go home, but I'm also being tested and challenged. I love you and I am so grateful you're my dad. You make me want to be a better person always. I am so glad I had such a good upbringing. :) 
I love the talk Be Thou Humble too. I finally got around to really reading it. I know I needed it. I know my companion is not always the one in the wrong because sometimes I lose patience. But I am getting better every day. 
Well, keep the prayers coming, and I will keep striving to fulfill them.
Lovey ou!

Hi mommy!

Tyler is awesome. I'm glad he is always having a good attitude and learning from everything!
I'm glad you finally got to be a ma!
I can't wait one day more so I really hope it's August 3 still. i haven't gotten anything yet but I think you might get it the first week of july or so. I just pulled that date out of nowhere so I have no clue to be honest. 
I'm getting excited for school!!!
Oh yeah, grabe, I have forgotten this for more than a month. Could you make me a thing, kindof like the picture I am sending, but actually nice and cute, that I can give to people here? Thanks. Just use one of the pictures I've sent home and design the layout or whatever so it looks cool. Thanks!
someone gave us this home made ice stuff this was made of mangoes and easy cheese. why would you kill mangoes like that?
I saw a tindahan called TJ Mac's. I laughed! 
My bishops daughter looked me up on facebook. They all said "Wow you look beautiful here. But now you got fat." Thanks everyone! I feel great! haha. 
Well... things are good. 
Well. love you!!! Thanks for being the best mom. See you in 7! 

Monday, June 6, 2016

June na naman!

Whew. It's June. It sounds like it's hot there. It's also hot here. But I'm still alive. And soon they might have us wear some pants. Woohoo..
This week was pretty good. I have a new companion and area! I am finishing the training of my apo (grandchild) in the mission. It has been a fun switch to go from the crazy life of exchanges and travel to training and learning from a new crazy missionary. Sister Apolinario is so funny and nice. I feel bad sometimes because I'm nice, but not like the lovey dovey type so I hope she knows I love her anyway. :)
One thing I liked this week was just getting to know a new area. There's something that just pushes you in a new area. You have no preconceived ideas or experiences and it makes it easy to just do your best. I have learned in my mission to love where you are and do what you're supposed to do. Whatever the trial, just keep going. There's always something we can do more or better. I liked in Ether 3 this week, I thought about the pattern Ether used to solve his problem and thought about that process specifically with overcoming weaknesses or sins or bad habits. We need to let the Lord know we need help. Think of things we can and will do. Bring the idea and work to Him. Allow Him to touch our lives and be willing to do His will.
Last monday there were some crazy new things happening and some adversity all that came down in one day and I just prayed for peace and eyes to see that everything would be good with my family and my mission and we went out to work to a pretty sunset behind us and a big rainbow-symbol of peace before us. God is good.

We were on a jeep earlier this week and a lady said "Where's your little companion?" I was like thinking..I've had a lot of those. and she said "In Tambac?" That was my first area! This was a lady I had thought of last week, wondering whatever happened to her. We had taught her twice, and then she just was busy and everything. But it reminded me that people remember the missionaries. She had lost a child last year, and I remember teaching her the plan of salvation and just hoping she got it. I encouraged her to listen to the missionaries again. It's just funny that she recognized me after more than a year!

OH yeah. We have a way nice house. It's cute. 
Well, bye! Love you all!
Sister Smith

To Mom:

THanks for the letter you sent. 
Speaking of me coming home, someone submitted their paperwork late in my group so we got crappy flights. I should get home At like 9 p.m. I"m not sure if it will be Aug 2 or 3 or something like that. We'll work that out when it's sooner. But just so you can start thinking about it all maybe. We could maybe just stay in SLC or something that night at a hotel and just chat or eat or sleep or whatever then go home in the morning. I"m getting so trunky it's so bad. 8 weeks to go ;)
And by trunky, I mean all I want to do is missionary work because there's not much time left!!!
I read some good talks:
Adverstity and Prayer
For thy Good.
Look them up! :)
My new companion is super touchy which most americans aren't a fan of and i"m really not a fan haha. But she's cute. I've been so mean to her I feel. LIke strict, but she just loves me! So I'm working to make the rest of her training really good. So she becomes obedient and understands what we are doing. It's fun to train and not have to do so much extra stuff. 
OH yeah, she calls me Mamila. it's cute- a mix between Mommy (because I"m training her) and Lola (grandma). ;)

I don't know what to do about jobs. Ugh.
I still have one sem of scholarship, I think they will do it automatically.
Well, I better reply to like 8 emails in the next 8 minutes. 
i Love you so much and I'm getting so excited to see you. its killing me. have a good week!
bye! our house is mint and gray! it's perfect for me! 

To Dad:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I know it's early. But I love you and I will celebrate with you in August :)
You're the best dad in the whole world really.
Love you lots!!! See you in 8 weeks. :) maybe by that time you will be able to eat one bite of icecream. 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

I just have a few things to say...

Good evening everyone! 
I just have a few things to say...
This week was good.
Sis Ramos is AWESOME.
Always listen to the Spirit. If you think something or feel something over and over, JUST ACT. Trust it, try it, and reap good consequences. 
My little brother is one of my heroes!
The mission is great.
Life's a bunch of learning.
I found Root beer milk from Gossner's (Logan Utah) in the Philippines.
That's all. 
Love you all!

Sister Smith

Hey mom,
I know Sandon, and his older brother and stuff. They are cousins of the Gross family I think. That is so sad. Life seems to be full of trials and tragedies. I have experienced some things this week that just make me want to give up. Luckily I have good support here on the mission. I know that Satan doesn't want Tyler to start things off strong, and he doesn't want me to come home strong. It's a fight. It's real. But we can all do it. 
Things seem so fast and so slow. Its crazy. My toe is pretty bad but I'm trying to just make it till i get home so I can have real doctors. 
This week I looked at some cookbooks that Sis Wittwer had bought. One of them was really cute. The guy has a blog too, I think it's called Burnt Lumpia. You'll have to check it out. 
Some random facts..Filipinos hate the smell of rain. What? 
Also, they fold their laundry soooo nice here. I'll show you when I get home. 
Well. I will close with a thought I had while reading 3 Ne 11... The GOSPEL= ATONEMENT + Using the Atonement
I love you! I will try to see if I can figure out the financial aid stuff. Bye!

To Dad:
This week was okay. I feel like I am improving at the missionary stuff. Finding, teaching, loving others, etc. Sometimes we make dumb errors, but so did Joseph Smith, and lots of other prophets and people and all people, and Heavenly Father will help me keep going. 
Well, I have to do my financial aid apparently. I love you. Getting excited to come home. Keep praying for us!

Sister Smith

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sweet 16

Hello everyone! I gotta keep this short and sweet, but I hope you're all doing well. This was one of the best weeks of my whole mission! A combination of cool thunderstorms and lots of new people and an awesome companion just was the best! Oh yeah, and hershey's salted caramel kiss ice cream. 
First things first, shout out to my little brother in the MTC! I'm so proud of him. 
This week was also lot of parties. Sister Wittwer hit halfway, Sister Ramos 1 year, me 16 months, and Sis DelaAustria's birthday. It's fun to celebrate. 
Something else I have been having fun with is thinking about having a light heart and being cheerful as a Christlike attribute. I think it is. I have been seeking for examples, and also as i have pondered this I have found many of the most Christlike people in my life have mastered this attribute. I know that attitude is everything. Although we can't expect every setback, or mistake, or even bad hair day, by the power of the Holy Ghost, we can feel happy. Because the Atonement covers it all, and men are that they might have joy. I am joyous because I am here in the Philippines. I love it all. I know the gospel is restored and the Book of Mormon is His word. We are blessed when we obey the counsel of the prophets. It's up to us to apply. 
I love you all! Thanks for the love! 
sorry. no pictures. well,, one.
Sister Smith

Thanks for jumping on that and fixing my apartment situation.
The new apartment looks good. It will be nice to try something new. I think that things will work out just fine. It might be a little crazy. But I'm sure there are good plans in His hands. 
I gave the jewelry you sent to sister dla and sister ramos. they loved it!
I'm glad tyler sounds good. I love him! I thought about him so much this week. he's such a trouper. 
make sure I know next week where Alyssa is going!
Okay well I have a gazillion replies to do! I love you! Don't worry about me! See you in like 10 ish weeks!!!!
my hair is beyond ugly poof now.
if you can't read that shirt, it says "I don't care, I'm going home soon." one of my sisters had it made for me. hahaah.
a cute old lady. i forgot to send in my group email. she would only speak english but she just kept laughing her head off and high fiving us. it was great.

Hey dad, I don't really have time. My keyboard sucks so I am just typing so slow.
I read a good devo this week called Knowing, doing and being.
I'm doing really good. thanks for praying for me. I'm going to email tyler! bye! love you sooo much!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Savior is Looking For Us

I don't have much time! Here are some highlights
-Sister Vaivai transfered away! I love and miss her, but my new companion is so awesome. Her name is Sis. Ramos, and she is from the same place as my trainer in the mission. She is the sweetest, kindest, and humblest missionary. 
I ate crabs. 
I learned more about Christlike attributes this week. 
I spoke in church yesterday. I told a story about one of my little cousins hiding from his mom and then saying "Mom's looking for me, she's crying" when he was finally found (thanks Melissa for the parenting stories. they came in handy.) 
Anyway I related it to how Christ is always looking for us, even when we don't know we are lost or don't know we want to be found. 
Our investigators are doing well. tatay Celinong was kindof sad that he didn't get baptized on schedule, but next month will be his time. 
I love you all. I love this work and I love the Savior! Have a great week!

Sister Smith

I miss you too. I want to go to Bettys and to the mountains with you and just talk. But that will happen in August I'm sure. 
I'm blessed to be here too. This is definitely the final quarter, the last lap of a long race. It's when you feel the most excited, most exhausted, every small success from then on feels bigger and bigger because you're nearing the end. It's when the trials come too, the pain of the race. But I'm running hard. Swimming hard. Pushing it. Because like every race, every phase of life, this one is ending. 
I can't believe I have 11 weeks left. Time is so fast. I have the time I was trained, and then it's time for the other life. 
It's hard sometimes to think about what we should have done. I feel like that about a lot of things, high school, college, Jacob lake, even my mission. But something someone said this week that I've been pondering a lot is that Jesus prepared for 30 years for a 3 year ministry. Our life is kindof like that. When we figure it all out, there's not always that much time to apply it. But who we become matters, because we have eternity to live who we've become. And this life will just be a small thing. 
I love you and miss you. I'm getting excited to see you. Have fun with Tyler for the next few days. I'll be home in less than the time he had his call. 
You're the greatest, 

To Mom:

I can't believe it has been a week either. This week was pretty long. It was crazy and busy. 
I'm so proud of Tyler! Wish I could have been there. I'm excited to read his talk. 
That is neat about the ancestor from Denmark. :)
I think I have a resume saved on my mac. You can look for it if you want, or just make something up. I can't remember what types of things go on resumes. 
Here is something cool. So this week Sis Ramos, my new companion, and I were going to MLC. She saw my pencil pouch (which she has seen before and LOVED) and was like I just love your pouch! I looked all over for one like it. So I was thinking, "I should have mom send that pink one." Then later that day, I GOT IT! I was so excited, and so was she. You are so awesome! Thanks for the journal as well. :) I love you.
We went running and a random guy was like "work work" in a funny voice. Running is funny here. 
I don't know what else to say. I'm kindof not here right now. I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you. 
Sometimes I can't even think about how great my mission has been because it makes me feel too much emotion. I am so grateful for you and everything you do for me and how much you've supported me and sacraficed for me.
I love you bunches!
If you are awake, you can reply and tell me whatever you want to say... I need mommy love. :)
love arby 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mothers day to my moms. You know who you are :)
I'm so grateful for this day and all the days we have moms, because they are always there behind the scenes, getting it all done. :)
This was a great week. I learned so much, because we had a visit from Elder Shayne Bowen of the Seventy. It was wonderful. I learned more about who I am and why we are here on earth. It is so comforting and inspiring to know that the gospel has the answers. 
This week we had the baptism of Sis. Beth. She is so amazing. She was so happy and said it was the best day of her life. It is. If we decide to follow Heavenly Father today, whether we were baptized today or 20 years ago, it can be the best day of our life.
This week I found out that someone I talked to on the street and taught once around 6 months ago is going to be baptized, with his wife. It was so exciting, because I know Heavenly Father is watching over all His children and He has plans for them and His timing is perfect. 
Well, I hope you all have a great day. Enjoy it and remember your mom! 
Love ya'll!

Sister Smith

To Mom:

I love talking with you all but this time it made me way too excited to come home.
I got dad's talks and your letter. I loved it. 
I have done bad with sugar. and today I bought lots so I don't feel sad about missing you. haha. 
Things are okay with my companion. I love her, but I'm also excited for change.
I love you a billion too!!!
I am so tired from skyping. I seriously am so excited to see you all again. I can't believe the next time will be the airport.

IT's still far away. I dont know why I"m talking about it.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To Dad:

Yeah, that was fun. (Skype)  It would have been more fun if it wasn't so crappy. But its okay, I got to see you all, and it's close now that I will see you in person. I am working on my goals. Just little things daily. I'm getting better and learning a lot.
I think tyler leaving is hurting me worse! I have been pretty sad. But I'd rather he is on a mission of course. It's just sad to know he won't be there. 
I love you! I'm pretty cool but I'll try to be better.
I hope we can eat mangoes and stuff when I come home. I will cook stuff with fish sauce. 
lots of love, 
Cecelia came on in the grocery store and I always think of you singing "Petunia, you're breaking my heart!" 

Screenshot from our LAST SKYPE before Sister Smith is home!