Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone. I will start off by saying I'm handwashing laundry again. it's way not bad, and it makes me feel grateful for the washer and dryer at home!
This week I saw a lot of miracles and blessings. I was challenged by a friend to really dedicate this week to Him, and although it was not perfect, I was striving to be a little MORE than I usually am. A little more diligent, patient, humble, focused, etc. It really brought a lot of wonderful experiences. I will continue to just think that way. Be dedicated and be more.
I opened my mission call more than a year ago. I know that many of you may never open one. But you can open the blessings. They are for all of us. If we try to love and serve Him, we will experience more joy and blessings. We will have a greater testimony of His reality and His gospel. I have experienced it. We don't have to be perfect. But we should be trying. If we are trying, we're moving, we are experiencing, and we are receiving.
This week we went to the home of some of our recent converts who are a bunch of children. Their father is a member. Their step mom usually is the one there, but she doesn't stay. She attended the temple with the kids last week. We went and visited this week and she said "I'm listening today, I want to be baptized! And she cried and cried about the experiences she has been having and the love she has been feeling for the gospel.
We also went to the house of some members. We shared, and then they said they thought we were there because we knew the wife had cancer. We had no idea, and it was just what they needed. I am grateful Heavenly Father works through us so we can have participation in His work and His glory.
Funny story- we had a presentation thing yesterday for our new chapel, how members should help it be clean and stuff. When he started the slide show, I thought the chapel looked pretty familiar. After a few seconds of staring at the parking lot, the mountains, I realized it was my chapel in Logan at Utah State. I forgot what it's called. But yeah, I saw a little piece of home. (Also, the one who gave the presentation was Hailey Sprouse's mission president I think, Pres. Andaya.)
Something I loved that I read yesterday just got me thinking and feeling a desire to change. It is a quote by Spencer W Kimball. He said "Is your pride more important than your peace?" I think I realized there is so much pride in me sometimes that I can't feel the peace that He can give. So I will change :)
Well, I love you all. Everyone, I invite you this Christmas to come to know Christ. On November 29, a worldwide initiative will begin. Please visit week to learn about our Savior who was born. and discover why. This is not just for members :) If you are someone who loves Jesus Christ, feel free to participate by sharing your love with others on facebook, instagram, etc starting 11/29 using #aSaviorisBorn 
I am grateful for all of you! Have a great thanksgiving and week. Love, Sister Smith

Sister Smith

To Mom:
Dear Mom,
We lost internet so I can’t read your email right now to answer it, but I will just type here in word until It comes back. Here are 12 things…
1.       I got your letter from sis J. Thanks! I am glad you sent me dad’s talks. I needed them. I am so lucky to have you and dad as my parents. 
2.       Who is Keaton’s bishop? Is it still Bishop Lauer? You should have him say Hi if so.
3.       Michael and I  usually email every week. He got called as ward mission leader. 
4.       I love PB. I love PB and J sandwiches. 
5.       I had a dream about Trevor Ferguson. He was the boy with Down Syndrome in my 2nd grade class. I don’t know why I had it. But I wonder how he is. I also have lots of people with disabilities in my area right now. Maybe it’s a sign.
6.       Tell Keaton Happy Birthday last week, Ashley Hill today, and Tyler this week. I love them all. I will try to get Ty an email too if there is time. 
7.       This week I was thinking as I fell asleep how life relates to an Orchestra. Like God is a composer. I think someone has thought of that. But it kindof helped me think about things in a new way. 
8.       I listened to Meg’s talk. So good. I am excited to apply what she said better.
9.       I think we will call on Christmas here, but I’m not sure. I think I will just try to Skype. I think it is fun to see your face… but we will continue to think. I can’t believe it’s almost here!
10.   I am going to try to make a pie variation (I found Crisco in our apartment. It expired in sep.but it wasn’t opened and it smells fine so I’m using it.) inour toaster oven. I am also going to try to make sweet potatoes. I figured I have no time and that’s all I really care about at thanksgiving anyway. 
11.   I love you all. I haven’t even read Dad’s email yet. I’ve been thinking about for next year maybe we can all try to read the whole book of mormon or some sort of unified  thing starting in January and ending when I go home. Do you have any ideas? Be creative J It could even be related to missionary work.
12.   Oh yeah. That reminded me of tyler. I think my luggage is fine but I think it could be bigger and that would be nice. Maybe 2 big ones. Also don’t get a carry on. Just get a backpack. I think things like journals are good if he will write in them. As far as other stuff… hmm. Clothes. Shoes. Things to mark scriptures. Maybe a camera. Since he doesn’t have one. I realized I brought a lot of extra stuff in some ways. I don’t know. I wish you knew where he was going. If it was cold it could be cool to give him a blanket. But you don’t know. I will keep thinking for next week. Hmm. Waterproof watch. 
Well. I guess that’s it. I love you lots. I miss you a bunch too. This week was rough. But at the same time way rewarding. I think that Satan really worked on me because I was trying so hard to be dedicated and consecrated.  If  you go up north for thanksgiving try to say hi to Michael. I don’t know where he’ll be or anything. But yea. Love you lots!!!!! 
pics. from mission leadership council. new weird orange dress that is a little too short but was 1 dollar. apples i eat when I miss grandma. creepy right? I eat her. 


To Dad:

I don't know why but I can't write you without crying every week haha. It's just like home. haha. 
Mom sent me your talks. They were really good. 
I really don't have time to write but I love all that you said I think I read that same verse in D&C this week. I'm around that spot.
Do you know anyone named Brock Olson? He baptized an LA in my area and his named sounded Utahn. He's from Utah... Is he in our ward? probably not, but if so, that would be a good tender mercy to share with this guy to get him active.
I've been trying to pray for sign language to help Andres. Unfortunately I know nothing really. But things are coming back. He knows very little anyway but he learns quickly I've heard. 
My area is alright. I feel like I want to do things differently, but I also need to trust my companion and I'm trying to make sure my motivations aren't selfish before I make suggestions. It's fine. :) I love our area though. and Sis Nolido. 
I'm sad about that story. Emily Newhalls baby niece died recently too. she was 3. she had some seizures suddenly. at the doctor they found out it was aggressive leukemia and she was gone in less than 10 days total . I'm grateful for the gospel so these tragedies are temporal only. I've been trying to not get down by the things i hear but to build strength because I know someday really hard things will happen to me and I know now is the time to prepare. 
Well I love you. I am really grateful. I am grateful for my mission. and for my life. 
Did you listen to the Meg Johnson talk that mom told me about and sent me? were you there at the conference? It was good. 
anyways, bye. 
Love you. 

Hey hey hey

Hello everyone,
This has been a winter. Haha. I hope you're enjoying the snow if  you have some. I will try to enjoy the heat because next year I will miss it probably. 
This week was pretty good. I don't have much time, so I'll give you some highlights.
Sis Nolido makes pancakes sometimes and puts apples and cinnamon on them. Why don't I think of these wonderful american flavors that I miss? I am going to be better at cooking.
I saw a little kid take off his clothes this week. He was wearing Utah Jazz undies. Go Jazz!
Sister Jenkins, my wonderful and inspirational companion from the MTC is BACK. And she's on fire. :) I am so glad she made the choice to return here.
I finally tried some icecream here. it was delicious. Of course. It's icecream.
I finished my first journal. Now I don't want to write anymore. But I won't stop now.
We had a new activity called a Blitz. We went to one of the companionships in our district who's area is struggling and we all split up in our companionships and just talked to people. It was really fun and it made me feel even better about talking to people. Sometimes I still struggle to open my mouth or know how to start talking or what to say. One of those times was on the way to the Blitz. We were on the jeepney and eveyone was just sitting there. I was like, I need to just talk to anyone on this jeep! But I didn't want to. I felt awkward and alone. I prayed to just be able to start speaking and I was really helped. I had a really good conversation with someone and I was able to refer her to the missionaries in her area. I encourage all of you to use the power of prayer to develop the courage to talk to others, even strangers about how you see God's hand in your life, and to invite them to learn more about the Savior. 
We accidentally invited a member to be baptized. We talked to her forever. She said "We used to be taught by the missionaries. My brother is a member." We thought it was a great opportunity. So we taught her and invited her and she said "Oh I actually got baptized a long time ago." Well. Okay. We were glad to find her though. She is a really sweet lady. 
Our investigators are doing pretty well. The Ramos family and Salayog families and others too came to church again. We are seeing a lot of progress in them. We visited a less active member of the church and found out he has a lot of friends he wants us to visit. 
I'm sorry this is  a pretty lame email. I love you all. Keep reading. Keep praying. Keep both hands on the rod. Keep both feet in the boat. The world will never accept spiritual things. But you can. 
Love yall.

Sister Smith

To Mom:

Don't feel bad!
Ask Hannah if they ever got my email for Annie.  :)
I have only  heard that something happened in france. thats way sad. THe world. its coming. haha. the righteous need not fear.
Way to go grandma! She's a trooper.
I'm glad your books of mormon are making marks! You're awesome. Speaking of hard things, did you know about Emily Paulson (newhall)'s neice? She finally emailed me today. I was sad. but i know they will be okay.
yaay for being able to go to the temple.
cool! I miss yoga. I am trying to exercise better. We'll see. I know that I can only do my best.
I am surprised I am an STL. It's fun though. I am trying to see outside the box to do my best and use my talents in this calling. I'm struggling a little with just overcoming stupid stuff like my own pride. but I'll keep striving.
People who make their handicaps strengths are awesome. We all need to do that better. 
I miss you too. I'm sorry this is short but for some reason I have no time today.
I like the efy song "the girl I am" Maybe you'll like it too.
I ate the worst food the other day. I hate meat here sometimes because it's like just the fat. and the other day I about threw up. haha. gulay na lang.
Well I love you. I just need to send pictures, and email dad and michael and grandma and i only have 10 minutes. 
THis week marks one year that I got my call. time is fast and slow. bye!

To Dad:

Hi. My new area has been pretty good. Sis Nolido is fine. I love her. We are working with lots of people. Some that we are focusing on are the Ramos family. They are the ones with the little boy who is deaf and the mom has one leg. I like them. they are cute although the kids and dad are kindof crazy. 
I am happy. My body is weird but I guess I'm healthy enough to work okay so I'll just keep going.
yaya snow.
Congrats to tyler. I love him. I was listening to the song "a letter home" by nashville tribute and it made me think of him. I hope I'm helping him.
Have fun at the meeting. I love you! thanks for your advice.
We had an LA talking about his mission and how the American elders he served with and the ones who originally baptized him were always funny. I want to be funnier. I joke a lot. but I can do better. I'm a Smith. I need to use yours and Grandpa Lauritz' genes and make these people laugh. 
I read Alma 6-8. Maybe that can help you with your establishing and strengthening work. 
love you alot!!!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Another Transfer Begins

Hello. So this week marks a new transfer. It is two weeks early but for some reason they did last transfer 4 weeks and this one 8 weeks, instead of 6 and 6 weeks. So sadly, I have been separated from my anak, Sis Smith, 2 weeks early. I was hoping not to transfer, but at the same time I was hoping for new changes and things to experience.

Well, I am experiencing them. This week I was transferred to Bayambang where I have been called as a Sister Training Leader. I'm really humbled because I didn't really expect that to happen and it is kindof a lot of pressure and stuff but it has been fun so far to be tired and busy and I have learned more to give my time and all to Him so that is great. Although very stressful at times. Funny story, my new or should I say old, companion is Sister Nolido. We're back! haha. 

Bayambang is a great place. I've wanted to be assigned here. Because many of the people make a living selling Ice-cream. 

Our investigators are really great. One family I have loved so much so far is the Ramos family. they are really sweet. The wife is so astig, she has one foot but she takes care of her 3 kids so well, one of which is deaf. He is quickly becoming my best friend as he signs 'beautiful' every time he sees me. They are really interested in the gospel and willing to change even though they are sacraficing a lot. 

Another great thing that happened is we visited this family composed of 2 brothers and their whole families who were recently baptized. I realized that they were a family I visited for the first time a long time ago in my training when I had exchanges in this area. I was really excited to find out that they were converted and baptized a few months after I met them. It was cool to know that the lesson Sis Mclain and I taught turned into many baptisms.

I spoke in church in my new ward. I spoke about always having our families prepared and ready for the temple. I implemented Pres Seitz 24 minutes a day 7 days a week study. Thanks Vernal Utah Stake ;)

We had a Mission Leadership Council. The things that we discussed that I really liked were managing time. We need to use our lives wisely. God didn't send us here to waste it. We talked about Pride and I realized I still realllllly need to work on it. But I also feel like a mission is helping a lot. One thing I loved was we talked about going forth with zeal. This is something Elder L Tom Perry said before he passed away. We need to all keep going, with zeal, dedication, diligence, etc in this wonderful work we are PRIVILEGED to be a part of. 

Well I love all of you! I am grateful for your support and love your letters that I never get ;) Just kidding. But keep the prayers coming. I am always inspired as I hear what all of you are doing. I hope that you all come closer to Christ and bring others with you. 

Love Sister Smith
p.s. Our Daily Bread by D Todd Christofferson

Sorry... my USB is not working. 

To Dad:

Hi dad. I am doing pretty good. 
Your day sounds busy and fun. You are doing a good job with your calling. by the way, for my talk in church I just used one of your letters or somehting. where you talked about the garner and the temple. thanks. 
I didn't know Dallen Powell was already home. I am almost home really. I realized that time is going to just go faster now that I am busier and I will soon be the oldest in the mission of all my companions, since my nanay goes home in december and my other 2 older comps go home in march. 
I like that shrek sheep story. I remember it from a long time ago. 
It's cute. I'll have to use that.
You got new phones? Don't forget to add me on next July. hahaha. 
I'm actually getting kindof stressed about going home because class signups for college are soon and I need you guys to do it for me and I dont even care or know what to major in. Also If I get home like July 28 that is wayyy close to the semester. but I am going to school no matter what. 
I wish I could see coop. thats sad. 
I'm in Bayambang 1st ward. they just built a brand new huge chapel here. so we will have an open house next month. 
My companion is Sis Nolido again. It's funny because she is just treating me just like she did when I was a new my tagalog hasn't changed or anything. But she's just like that, she babies people haha. She's a mommy nursey kindof person and I'm excited to learn from her again. Being an STL is kindof stressful. there's a lot to do and it makes me question myself. But it also makes me push myself so I am grateful for the opportunity. 
I'm in an apartment with 3 filipinas now. it's good. hard because I am used to english only now since my last apt was all foreigners. but they are all way nice. 
Well. I don't really have much more. I miss you all and love you. Just can't think about it too much. 
But I'm excited to tell you more stories as I learn here in Bayambang. it's a good giant area.
Love you!

To Mom:
(sad sad story... Aubrey's letters came about 3 hours earlier than usual. I had started an email to her, but had to go to the Scout Court of Honor, so I thought I'd just finish when I got home. As you can see, I didn't make it. :( I cried, because I haven't missed a week yet!)

I don't know why you didn't email me but it's okay. Sorry I don't really have a lot to say now that I am here at the internet place. I'm sure I'll remember all of it when I go home.

I feel like a real mom, as i left sis smith all I have thought about is how I didn't teach her something or how i should have been a better example or kinder or whatever. I realized that is probably what you felt as I went to college or on my mission and I want you to know you don't have to worry. You're a great mom. 

Well, I love you a lot. sorry this is short. :) 
Keep being awesome. 

Sister Smith

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Hello everyone,
This was a pretty good week. Although verrrry hot. But it was happy and I enjoyed it. 
One accomplishment of my week is that I finished memorizing the Living Christ. I would reccomend it. It took me around 3 weeks, I just worked on one paragraph for a day or two and then I recited it while I showered. there is always time apparently ;)
One scripture I ponderized recently was Alma 36:37. It was really great to have the insight that I really need to get closer to my Heavenly Father. I thought about how when we have a best friend or parent or someone we are so close to it is easy to update them on every part of our lives, but sometimes we forget to inform or discuss or celebrate or cry with our Father and Savior. 
We started teaching a family with 15 kids. Its fun, but everytime we go it is different people. :)
Halloween was pretty good. Probably the best one of my life. Just because a lot of great things happened and it ended in the cutest way. trick or treating isn't a real thing here. but as we were walking home all of a sudden a bunch of little boys were around us. They had white faces and they were walking like zombies. they said trick or treat and sis smith and I gave them candy. THey weren't just wearing the costume, but zombieing down the street.
I like what one of our friends, tatay sonny said this week. "We need to always pray, when we wake up or go to sleep and when we it. When we don't have any food to eat, it's just important that we pray." When we don't get blessings we expect, do we complain or continue to thank?
I'm really grateful for this week. Although it had some rough spots, I have come to see more and more how loved I am and each of our brothers and sisters. I am so happy to be a missionary here in the Philippines and I am happy to have all of you as my support. Keep being disciples. 
Love, Sister Smith

To Mom:

Thank you. You are the best mom. Here's a poem for you. I wrote it last night for a few minutes.

Back before I knew Him
I thought happy was a place.
I thought it was the place you go 
when you're finished needing grace.
I thought his gospel and His plan
had boundaries of can't and can. 

As I came to grow and learn
and with growth came mistakes
I came to find that all the time,
I really needed grace. 
I felt discouraged, even down.
I felt like royalty losing a crown.

Over time I realized
Happy is the hope we find
When we know Him and His way,
He is mercy He is kind.
His gospel and His peace I found,
in seeking grace, while kneeling down.

He always places on my head,
the crown I drop every now and then.
He wipes away the tears and says,
words that lead me back again.
I found His grace He always lends,
Helped me to love Him, my Best Friend. 

I'm embarrassed to share it but if you think good you can. haha. 

You should try speaking another language while fasting. That is funny. I said cat instead of heart again! oops.

I'm with sister smith for now. We'll see on wednesday if that changes. 

I never have hot water. I actaully feel sad if my water isn't cold enough. and I would rather use a bucket than a sprayer. You might have to buy one for me.

I eat oatmeal in the morning, rice and something for lunch, snacks and sometimes dinner. I eat way too much. I"m fattttt. but I fasted for more self control so hopefully I can eat what I need and make healthier choices. Exercising sucks. I can't do it. there's either no time or no energy. At least we really walk a looot. like maybe 2 or more hours a day. It is not stormy. jUst hot hot hot. I had to buy a new umbrella. I didn't want to because I'm pretty sure you sent one for christmas but I guess I'll hopefully just have an extra. 

We usually travel by foot or by trike. sometimes jeep somtimes bus. 

people don't really slam doors. they just run away, or pretend they aren't home, or send a kid to say "they said they were sleeping." My tagalog is okay. I actually dreamed in Ilokano. I think I am not sure any more if I dream or think tagalog or english. Its just a mix. 

I love you so much. feel free to add on the blog things I tell you that I don't tell other people, as long as it doesn't seem private. 

I'm doing pretty good with my life. I love it. It is hard. I still miss you all and Michael and college and running a lot, but most of those things will be there for sure when I get back. so I try to just have good feelings. 

I realize more and more how prideful and selfish I am. I am trying to appreciate that and not be discouraged. To just change and not be angry. 

Well I love you. enjoy your week. You all are the best! I can't wait to be a good mom like you. 

To Dad:
I wish I could experience the fall too. It is sad being here at this time of year. It is as hot as ever and as far away as you can get from fall or christmas season. but i guess in some ways that's good because it doens't remind me of home.
Your life sounds really normal. that's good. Happy Halloween. I dressed up as a missionary. 
I think with feeding the sheep the biggest thing members can give is their love and time. We often try to think up programs or classes or jobs or callings or lures or SOMETHING to get less actives back. we try those, here they leave it to the missionaries, but really, I think most these sheep are lost because they stopped recognizing their herd. They just need to know all those sheep want and need them there. I heard once after the shepherd rescues the sheep, he puts it in the very middle of the herd, where he is pulled along by the others. we can't just call to those sheep. maybe they'll join the herd but they'll be on the back or edge, easy to lose again. put them in the middle of the action. get in the middle of their lives. I think visiting teaching and home teaching is way important. also, just involving them in our lives. barbeques, christmas parties, even just dinner. 
I'm doing good. I am with sister smith for at least 2 days. we'll see if I or she transfers. I don't want change but that's life. I have lots of admiration for sis j. I honestly don't think I'd come back. Not because I don't love it but I just think it would be too hard. My investigators are pretty good. One funny story is that Bro Lucena said a while ago that he dreamed my first name but forgot it. He just knew it had an ah sound. then the other day we ate there and he said "Your name has a song. it goes da da da da da da" and it was Aubrey by bread. I don't know how he knew my name or why he dreamed it. but that was weird. He said it was a gift of the spirit because of the work I've done in his family. haha. 
something kindof spiritual sis smith said my tagalog sounded different. I was like how? like tone of voice? and she said yeah. well no. it sounds like way spirit. Like I feel your love way more. So I guess that's  a good change. I am trying to just let myself be comfortable with imperfection in my language. I even said cat instead of heart 3 times this week. I should stop that. 
I haven't had any really weird food. we had a boodle fight today though. look it up.
I love you. I will try to sing more. Sometimes I am a dummy. but I'm repenting.
Your daugggter. 
Sister Smith