Sunday, November 15, 2015

Another Transfer Begins

Hello. So this week marks a new transfer. It is two weeks early but for some reason they did last transfer 4 weeks and this one 8 weeks, instead of 6 and 6 weeks. So sadly, I have been separated from my anak, Sis Smith, 2 weeks early. I was hoping not to transfer, but at the same time I was hoping for new changes and things to experience.

Well, I am experiencing them. This week I was transferred to Bayambang where I have been called as a Sister Training Leader. I'm really humbled because I didn't really expect that to happen and it is kindof a lot of pressure and stuff but it has been fun so far to be tired and busy and I have learned more to give my time and all to Him so that is great. Although very stressful at times. Funny story, my new or should I say old, companion is Sister Nolido. We're back! haha. 

Bayambang is a great place. I've wanted to be assigned here. Because many of the people make a living selling Ice-cream. 

Our investigators are really great. One family I have loved so much so far is the Ramos family. they are really sweet. The wife is so astig, she has one foot but she takes care of her 3 kids so well, one of which is deaf. He is quickly becoming my best friend as he signs 'beautiful' every time he sees me. They are really interested in the gospel and willing to change even though they are sacraficing a lot. 

Another great thing that happened is we visited this family composed of 2 brothers and their whole families who were recently baptized. I realized that they were a family I visited for the first time a long time ago in my training when I had exchanges in this area. I was really excited to find out that they were converted and baptized a few months after I met them. It was cool to know that the lesson Sis Mclain and I taught turned into many baptisms.

I spoke in church in my new ward. I spoke about always having our families prepared and ready for the temple. I implemented Pres Seitz 24 minutes a day 7 days a week study. Thanks Vernal Utah Stake ;)

We had a Mission Leadership Council. The things that we discussed that I really liked were managing time. We need to use our lives wisely. God didn't send us here to waste it. We talked about Pride and I realized I still realllllly need to work on it. But I also feel like a mission is helping a lot. One thing I loved was we talked about going forth with zeal. This is something Elder L Tom Perry said before he passed away. We need to all keep going, with zeal, dedication, diligence, etc in this wonderful work we are PRIVILEGED to be a part of. 

Well I love all of you! I am grateful for your support and love your letters that I never get ;) Just kidding. But keep the prayers coming. I am always inspired as I hear what all of you are doing. I hope that you all come closer to Christ and bring others with you. 

Love Sister Smith
p.s. Our Daily Bread by D Todd Christofferson

Sorry... my USB is not working. 

To Dad:

Hi dad. I am doing pretty good. 
Your day sounds busy and fun. You are doing a good job with your calling. by the way, for my talk in church I just used one of your letters or somehting. where you talked about the garner and the temple. thanks. 
I didn't know Dallen Powell was already home. I am almost home really. I realized that time is going to just go faster now that I am busier and I will soon be the oldest in the mission of all my companions, since my nanay goes home in december and my other 2 older comps go home in march. 
I like that shrek sheep story. I remember it from a long time ago. 
It's cute. I'll have to use that.
You got new phones? Don't forget to add me on next July. hahaha. 
I'm actually getting kindof stressed about going home because class signups for college are soon and I need you guys to do it for me and I dont even care or know what to major in. Also If I get home like July 28 that is wayyy close to the semester. but I am going to school no matter what. 
I wish I could see coop. thats sad. 
I'm in Bayambang 1st ward. they just built a brand new huge chapel here. so we will have an open house next month. 
My companion is Sis Nolido again. It's funny because she is just treating me just like she did when I was a new my tagalog hasn't changed or anything. But she's just like that, she babies people haha. She's a mommy nursey kindof person and I'm excited to learn from her again. Being an STL is kindof stressful. there's a lot to do and it makes me question myself. But it also makes me push myself so I am grateful for the opportunity. 
I'm in an apartment with 3 filipinas now. it's good. hard because I am used to english only now since my last apt was all foreigners. but they are all way nice. 
Well. I don't really have much more. I miss you all and love you. Just can't think about it too much. 
But I'm excited to tell you more stories as I learn here in Bayambang. it's a good giant area.
Love you!

To Mom:
(sad sad story... Aubrey's letters came about 3 hours earlier than usual. I had started an email to her, but had to go to the Scout Court of Honor, so I thought I'd just finish when I got home. As you can see, I didn't make it. :( I cried, because I haven't missed a week yet!)

I don't know why you didn't email me but it's okay. Sorry I don't really have a lot to say now that I am here at the internet place. I'm sure I'll remember all of it when I go home.

I feel like a real mom, as i left sis smith all I have thought about is how I didn't teach her something or how i should have been a better example or kinder or whatever. I realized that is probably what you felt as I went to college or on my mission and I want you to know you don't have to worry. You're a great mom. 

Well, I love you a lot. sorry this is short. :) 
Keep being awesome. 

Sister Smith

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