Monday, July 13, 2015

Hellllllllo from the rainy Philippines

Weekly letter
We had a cooking fest for our zone activity
Me and sis Jenkins
Me and Sis Nolido
Our district
I think that's all. I had a few more but it's not letting me upload them. 
Love you all.

Sister Smith

letter to mom & dad:

HEY. I miss you alot. Like you would think it  would stop but it doesn't.

I didn't get mail for 2 weeks but today they passed it out. I don't know which it is but I'm excited to read it. 

I got an umbrella a while ago. It was real cheap and I know why. Maybe I will have to just fork out more money and get a nice one. I should have had mom send a totes umbrella a long time ago. Also if you send any packages just send a few socks like for flats. I need more and they are all tiny here. Don't rush though I usually have to take them off anyway because it's raining. 

I tried to help a little girl with her math this week. She was suposed to do long division but she didn't know any times tables. I got frustrated with the education system here. it's really lame. I don't know if I have patience to be a teacher. Ugh what will I do with my lief. 

I am not training a new missionary next transfer. Sis Jenkins and the sisters from my batch and t the one other american sister are all training. IT was awkward to have everyone ask me about it. IT's okay thoguh because I am sure I will train and it's not a rite of passage like everyone makes it. 

I need to be more patient and humble anyway.

Oh yeah. LIsten to "The Mortal Christ" by Jack R Christiansen. If you have a car ride coming up or something.
Jer. 29:13 and Job 22:21 are my scriptures for the week

We had a funeral service this week for that LA. His sister spoke and I think she said he had been changing before his death because of the people visiting him from the church. I'm not sure because it was tagalog. but I'm chooseing to believe that's waht she said. haah

Well, I don't have much more. I love you a lot. I really hope my 6 month mark just makes things feel easier. Life's a struggle. but I know that that's how it's supposed to be. I know that even if I don't ever feel completely comfortable here I am happy. and I will appreciate it later, I know that. 

Keep   doing the little things. Our family needs to stay strong. I need you all to be strong. thanks for the scriptures. also prepare to have a fat daughter when I get home.

Arby Petunia
Sister Smith

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